
Source code for

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import logging
import time
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from threading import Thread
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from mmcv.utils.misc import is_method_overridden

from mmpose.utils import StopWatch
from ..utils import Message, VideoEndingMessage, limit_max_fps

class BufferInfo():
    """Dataclass for buffer information."""
    buffer_name: str
    input_name: Optional[str] = None
    trigger: bool = False

class EventInfo():
    """Dataclass for event handler information."""
    event_name: str
    is_keyboard: bool = False
    handler_func: Optional[Callable] = None

[docs]class Node(Thread, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for node, which is the interface of basic function module. :class:`Node` inherits :class:`threading.Thread`. All subclasses should override following methods: - ``process()`` - ``bypass()`` (optional) Parameters: name (str): The node name (also thread name) enable_key (str|int, optional): Set a hot-key to toggle enable/disable of the node. If an int value is given, it will be treated as an ascii code of a key. Please note: (1) If ``enable_key`` is set, the ``bypass()`` method need to be overridden to define the node behavior when disabled; (2) Some hot-keys are reserved for particular use. For example: 'q', 'Q' and 27 are used for exiting. Default: ``None`` max_fps (int): Maximum FPS of the node. This is to avoid the node running unrestrictedly and causing large resource consuming. Default: 30 input_check_interval (float): Minimum interval (in millisecond) between checking if input is ready. Default: 0.001 enable (bool): Default enable/disable status. Default: ``True`` daemon (bool): Whether node is a daemon. Default: ``True`` multi_input (bool): Whether load all messages in buffer. If False, only one message will be loaded each time. Default: ``False`` """ def __init__(self, name: str, enable_key: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, max_fps: int = 30, input_check_interval: float = 0.01, enable: bool = True, daemon: bool = False, multi_input: bool = False): super().__init__(name=name, daemon=daemon) self._executor = None self._enabled = enable self.enable_key = enable_key self.max_fps = max_fps self.input_check_interval = input_check_interval self.multi_input = multi_input # A partitioned buffer manager the executor's buffer manager that # only accesses the buffers related to the node self._buffer_manager = None # Input/output buffers are a list of registered buffers' information self._input_buffers = [] self._output_buffers = [] # Event manager is a copy of assigned executor's event manager self._event_manager = None # A list of registered event information # See register_event() for more information # Note that we recommend to handle events in nodes by registering # handlers, but one can still access the raw event by _event_manager self._registered_events = [] # A list of (listener_threads, event_info) # See set_executor() for more information self._event_listener_threads = [] # A timer to calculate node FPS self._timer = StopWatch(window=10) # Register enable toggle key if self.enable_key: # If the node allows toggling enable, it should override the # `bypass` method to define the node behavior when disabled. if not is_method_overridden('bypass', Node, self.__class__): raise NotImplementedError( f'The node {self.__class__} does not support toggling' 'enable but got argument `enable_key`. To support toggling' 'enable, please override the `bypass` method of the node.') self.register_event( event_name=self.enable_key, is_keyboard=True, handler_func=self._toggle_enable, ) # Logger self.logger = logging.getLogger(f'Node "{}"') @property def registered_buffers(self): return self._input_buffers + self._output_buffers @property def registered_events(self): return self._registered_events.copy() def _toggle_enable(self): self._enabled = not self._enabled
[docs] def register_input_buffer(self, buffer_name: str, input_name: str, trigger: bool = False): """Register an input buffer, so that Node can automatically check if data is ready, fetch data from the buffers and format the inputs to feed into `process` method. The subclass of Node should invoke `register_input_buffer` in its `__init__` method. This method can be invoked multiple times to register multiple input buffers. Args: buffer_name (str): The name of the buffer input_name (str): The name of the fetched message from the corresponding buffer trigger (bool): An trigger input means the node will wait until the input is ready before processing. Otherwise, an inessential input will not block the processing, instead a None will be fetched if the buffer is not ready. """ buffer_info = BufferInfo(buffer_name, input_name, trigger) self._input_buffers.append(buffer_info)
[docs] def register_output_buffer(self, buffer_name: Union[str, List[str]]): """Register one or multiple output buffers, so that the Node can automatically send the output of the `process` method to these buffers. The subclass of Node should invoke `register_output_buffer` in its `__init__` method. Args: buffer_name (str|list): The name(s) of the output buffer(s). """ if not isinstance(buffer_name, list): buffer_name = [buffer_name] for name in buffer_name: buffer_info = BufferInfo(name) self._output_buffers.append(buffer_info)
[docs] def register_event(self, event_name: str, is_keyboard: bool = False, handler_func: Optional[Callable] = None): """Register an event. All events used in the node need to be registered in __init__(). If a callable handler is given, a thread will be create to listen and handle the event when the node starts. Args: Args: event_name (str|int): The event name. If is_keyboard==True, event_name should be a str (as char) or an int (as ascii) is_keyboard (bool): Indicate whether it is an keyboard event. If True, the argument event_name will be regarded as a key indicator. handler_func (callable, optional): The event handler function, which should be a collable object with no arguments or return values. Default: ``None``. """ event_info = EventInfo(event_name, is_keyboard, handler_func) self._registered_events.append(event_info)
[docs] def set_executor(self, executor): """Assign the node to an executor so the node can access the buffers and event manager of the executor. This method should be invoked by the executor instance. Args: executor (:obj:`WebcamExecutor`): The executor to hold the node """ # Get partitioned buffer manager buffer_names = [ buffer.buffer_name for buffer in self._input_buffers + self._output_buffers ] self._buffer_manager = executor.buffer_manager.get_sub_manager( buffer_names) # Get event manager self._event_manager = executor.event_manager
def _get_input_from_buffer(self) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[Dict]]: """Get and pack input data. The function returns a tuple (status, data). If the trigger buffers are ready, the status flag will be True, and the packed data is a dict whose items are buffer names and corresponding messages (unready non-trigger buffers will give a `None`). Otherwise, the status flag is False and the packed data is None. Returns: tuple[bool, dict]: The first item is a bool value indicating whether input is ready (i.e., all tirgger buffers are ready). The second value is a dict of buffer names and messages. """ buffer_manager = self._buffer_manager if buffer_manager is None: raise ValueError(f'Node "{}": not set to an executor.') # Check that trigger buffers are ready for buffer_info in self._input_buffers: if buffer_info.trigger and buffer_manager.is_empty( buffer_info.buffer_name): return False, None # Default input result = { buffer_info.input_name: None for buffer_info in self._input_buffers } for buffer_info in self._input_buffers: while not buffer_manager.is_empty(buffer_info.buffer_name): msg = buffer_manager.get(buffer_info.buffer_name, block=False) if self.multi_input: if result[buffer_info.input_name] is None: result[buffer_info.input_name] = [] result[buffer_info.input_name].append(msg) else: result[buffer_info.input_name] = msg break # Return unsuccessful flag if any trigger input is unready if buffer_info.trigger and result[buffer_info.input_name] is None: return False, None return True, result def _send_output_to_buffers(self, output_msg): """Send output of ``process()`` to the registered output buffers. Args: output_msg (Message): output message """ for buffer_info in self._output_buffers: buffer_name = buffer_info.buffer_name self._buffer_manager.put_force(buffer_name, output_msg)
[docs] @abstractmethod def process(self, input_msgs: Dict[str, Message]) -> Union[Message, None]: """The method that implements the function of the node. This method will be invoked when the node is enabled and the input data is ready. All subclasses of Node should override this method. Args: input_msgs (dict[str, :obj:`Message`]): The input data collected from the buffers. For each item, the key is the `input_name` of the registered input buffer, and the value is a Message instance fetched from the buffer (or None if the buffer is non-trigger and not ready). Returns: Message: The output message of the node which will be send to all registered output buffers. """
[docs] def bypass(self, input_msgs: Dict[str, Message]) -> Union[Message, None]: """The method that defines the node behavior when disabled. Note that a node must override this method if it has `enable_key`. This method has the same signature as ``process()``. Args: input_msgs (dict[str, :obj:`Message`]): The input data collected from the buffers. For each item, the key is the `input_name` of the registered input buffer, and the value is a Message instance fetched from the buffer (or None if the buffer is non-trigger and not ready). Returns: Message: The output message of the node which will be send to all registered output buffers. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _get_node_info(self) -> Dict: """Get route information of the node. Default information includes: - ``'fps'``: The processing speed of the node - ``'timestamp'``: The time that this method is invoked Subclasses can override this method to customize the node information. Returns: dict: The items of node information """ info = {'fps':'_FPS_'), 'timestamp': time.time()} return info
[docs] def on_exit(self): """This method will be invoked on event `_exit_`. Subclasses should override this method to specifying the exiting behavior. """
[docs] def run(self): """Method representing the Node's activity. This method override the standard ``run()`` method of Thread. Subclasses of :class:`Node` should not override this method in subclasses. """'Process starts.') # Create event listener threads for event_info in self._registered_events: if event_info.handler_func is None: continue def event_listener(): while True: with self._event_manager.wait_and_handle( event_info.event_name, event_info.is_keyboard): event_info.handler_func() t_listener = Thread(target=event_listener, args=(), daemon=True) t_listener.start() self._event_listener_threads.append(t_listener) # Loop while True: # Exit if self._event_manager.is_set('_exit_'): self.on_exit() break # Check if input is ready input_status, input_msgs = self._get_input_from_buffer() # Input is not ready if not input_status: time.sleep(self.input_check_interval) continue # If a VideoEndingMessage is received, broadcast the signal # without invoking process() or bypass() video_ending = False for _, msg in input_msgs.items(): if isinstance(msg, VideoEndingMessage): self._send_output_to_buffers(msg) video_ending = True break if video_ending: self.on_exit() break # Check if enabled if not self._enabled: # Override bypass method to define node behavior when disabled output_msg = self.bypass(input_msgs) else: with self._timer.timeit(): with limit_max_fps(self.max_fps): # Process output_msg = self.process(input_msgs) if output_msg: # Update route information node_info = self._get_node_info() output_msg.update_route_info(node=self, info=node_info) # Send output message if output_msg is not None: self._send_output_to_buffers(output_msg)'Process ends.')
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