
Source code for mmpose.datasets.datasets.body3d.body3d_h36m_dataset

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os.path as osp
import tempfile
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict

import mmcv
import numpy as np
from mmcv import Config, deprecated_api_warning

from mmpose.core.evaluation import keypoint_mpjpe
from mmpose.datasets.datasets.base import Kpt3dSviewKpt2dDataset
from ...builder import DATASETS

[docs]@DATASETS.register_module() class Body3DH36MDataset(Kpt3dSviewKpt2dDataset): """Human3.6M dataset for 3D human pose estimation. "Human3.6M: Large Scale Datasets and Predictive Methods for 3D Human Sensing in Natural Environments", TPAMI`2014. More details can be found in the `paper <>`__. Human3.6M keypoint indexes:: 0: 'root (pelvis)', 1: 'right_hip', 2: 'right_knee', 3: 'right_foot', 4: 'left_hip', 5: 'left_knee', 6: 'left_foot', 7: 'spine', 8: 'thorax', 9: 'neck_base', 10: 'head', 11: 'left_shoulder', 12: 'left_elbow', 13: 'left_wrist', 14: 'right_shoulder', 15: 'right_elbow', 16: 'right_wrist' Args: ann_file (str): Path to the annotation file. img_prefix (str): Path to a directory where images are held. Default: None. data_cfg (dict): config pipeline (list[dict | callable]): A sequence of data transforms. dataset_info (DatasetInfo): A class containing all dataset info. test_mode (bool): Store True when building test or validation dataset. Default: False. """ JOINT_NAMES = [ 'Root', 'RHip', 'RKnee', 'RFoot', 'LHip', 'LKnee', 'LFoot', 'Spine', 'Thorax', 'NeckBase', 'Head', 'LShoulder', 'LElbow', 'LWrist', 'RShoulder', 'RElbow', 'RWrist' ] # 2D joint source options: # "gt": from the annotation file # "detection": from a detection result file of 2D keypoint # "pipeline": will be generate by the pipeline SUPPORTED_JOINT_2D_SRC = {'gt', 'detection', 'pipeline'} # metric ALLOWED_METRICS = {'mpjpe', 'p-mpjpe', 'n-mpjpe'} def __init__(self, ann_file, img_prefix, data_cfg, pipeline, dataset_info=None, test_mode=False): if dataset_info is None: warnings.warn( 'dataset_info is missing. ' 'Check ' 'for details.', DeprecationWarning) cfg = Config.fromfile('configs/_base_/datasets/') dataset_info = cfg._cfg_dict['dataset_info'] super().__init__( ann_file, img_prefix, data_cfg, pipeline, dataset_info=dataset_info, test_mode=test_mode)
[docs] def load_config(self, data_cfg): super().load_config(data_cfg) # h36m specific attributes self.joint_2d_src = data_cfg.get('joint_2d_src', 'gt') if self.joint_2d_src not in self.SUPPORTED_JOINT_2D_SRC: raise ValueError( f'Unsupported joint_2d_src "{self.joint_2d_src}". ' f'Supported options are {self.SUPPORTED_JOINT_2D_SRC}') self.joint_2d_det_file = data_cfg.get('joint_2d_det_file', None) self.need_camera_param = data_cfg.get('need_camera_param', False) if self.need_camera_param: assert 'camera_param_file' in data_cfg self.camera_param = self._load_camera_param( data_cfg['camera_param_file']) # h36m specific annotation info ann_info = {} ann_info['use_different_joint_weights'] = False # action filter actions = data_cfg.get('actions', '_all_') self.actions = set( actions if isinstance(actions, (list, tuple)) else [actions]) # subject filter subjects = data_cfg.get('subjects', '_all_') self.subjects = set( subjects if isinstance(subjects, (list, tuple)) else [subjects]) self.ann_info.update(ann_info)
[docs] def load_annotations(self): data_info = super().load_annotations() # get 2D joints if self.joint_2d_src == 'gt': data_info['joints_2d'] = data_info['joints_2d'] elif self.joint_2d_src == 'detection': data_info['joints_2d'] = self._load_joint_2d_detection( self.joint_2d_det_file) assert data_info['joints_2d'].shape[0] == data_info[ 'joints_3d'].shape[0] assert data_info['joints_2d'].shape[2] == 3 elif self.joint_2d_src == 'pipeline': # joint_2d will be generated in the pipeline pass else: raise NotImplementedError( f'Unhandled joint_2d_src option {self.joint_2d_src}') return data_info
@staticmethod def _parse_h36m_imgname(imgname): """Parse imgname to get information of subject, action and camera. A typical h36m image filename is like: S1_Directions_1.54138969_000001.jpg """ subj, rest = osp.basename(imgname).split('_', 1) action, rest = rest.split('.', 1) camera, rest = rest.split('_', 1) return subj, action, camera
[docs] def build_sample_indices(self): """Split original videos into sequences and build frame indices. This method overrides the default one in the base class. """ # Group frames into videos. Assume that self.data_info is # chronological. video_frames = defaultdict(list) for idx, imgname in enumerate(self.data_info['imgnames']): subj, action, camera = self._parse_h36m_imgname(imgname) if '_all_' not in self.actions and action not in self.actions: continue if '_all_' not in self.subjects and subj not in self.subjects: continue video_frames[(subj, action, camera)].append(idx) # build sample indices sample_indices = [] _len = (self.seq_len - 1) * self.seq_frame_interval + 1 _step = self.seq_frame_interval for _, _indices in sorted(video_frames.items()): n_frame = len(_indices) if self.temporal_padding: # Pad the sequence so that every frame in the sequence will be # predicted. if self.causal: frames_left = self.seq_len - 1 frames_right = 0 else: frames_left = (self.seq_len - 1) // 2 frames_right = frames_left for i in range(n_frame): pad_left = max(0, frames_left - i // _step) pad_right = max(0, frames_right - (n_frame - 1 - i) // _step) start = max(i % _step, i - frames_left * _step) end = min(n_frame - (n_frame - 1 - i) % _step, i + frames_right * _step + 1) sample_indices.append([_indices[0]] * pad_left + _indices[start:end:_step] + [_indices[-1]] * pad_right) else: seqs_from_video = [ _indices[i:(i + _len):_step] for i in range(0, n_frame - _len + 1) ] sample_indices.extend(seqs_from_video) # reduce dataset size if self.subset < 1 assert 0 < self.subset <= 1 subset_size = int(len(sample_indices) * self.subset) start = np.random.randint(0, len(sample_indices) - subset_size + 1) end = start + subset_size return sample_indices[start:end]
def _load_joint_2d_detection(self, det_file): """"Load 2D joint detection results from file.""" joints_2d = np.load(det_file).astype(np.float32) return joints_2d
[docs] @deprecated_api_warning(name_dict=dict(outputs='results')) def evaluate(self, results, res_folder=None, metric='mpjpe', **kwargs): metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, list) else [metric] for _metric in metrics: if _metric not in self.ALLOWED_METRICS: raise ValueError( f'Unsupported metric "{_metric}" for human3.6 dataset.' f'Supported metrics are {self.ALLOWED_METRICS}') if res_folder is not None: tmp_folder = None res_file = osp.join(res_folder, 'result_keypoints.json') else: tmp_folder = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() res_file = osp.join(, 'result_keypoints.json') kpts = [] for result in results: preds = result['preds'] image_paths = result['target_image_paths'] batch_size = len(image_paths) for i in range(batch_size): target_id = self.name2id[image_paths[i]] kpts.append({ 'keypoints': preds[i], 'target_id': target_id, }) mmcv.dump(kpts, res_file) name_value_tuples = [] for _metric in metrics: if _metric == 'mpjpe': _nv_tuples = self._report_mpjpe(kpts) elif _metric == 'p-mpjpe': _nv_tuples = self._report_mpjpe(kpts, mode='p-mpjpe') elif _metric == 'n-mpjpe': _nv_tuples = self._report_mpjpe(kpts, mode='n-mpjpe') else: raise NotImplementedError name_value_tuples.extend(_nv_tuples) if tmp_folder is not None: tmp_folder.cleanup() return OrderedDict(name_value_tuples)
def _report_mpjpe(self, keypoint_results, mode='mpjpe'): """Cauculate mean per joint position error (MPJPE) or its variants like P-MPJPE or N-MPJPE. Args: keypoint_results (list): Keypoint predictions. See 'Body3DH36MDataset.evaluate' for details. mode (str): Specify mpjpe variants. Supported options are: - ``'mpjpe'``: Standard MPJPE. - ``'p-mpjpe'``: MPJPE after aligning prediction to groundtruth via a rigid transformation (scale, rotation and translation). - ``'n-mpjpe'``: MPJPE after aligning prediction to groundtruth in scale only. """ preds = [] gts = [] masks = [] action_category_indices = defaultdict(list) for idx, result in enumerate(keypoint_results): pred = result['keypoints'] target_id = result['target_id'] gt, gt_visible = np.split( self.data_info['joints_3d'][target_id], [3], axis=-1) preds.append(pred) gts.append(gt) masks.append(gt_visible) action = self._parse_h36m_imgname( self.data_info['imgnames'][target_id])[1] action_category = action.split('_')[0] action_category_indices[action_category].append(idx) preds = np.stack(preds) gts = np.stack(gts) masks = np.stack(masks).squeeze(-1) > 0 err_name = mode.upper() if mode == 'mpjpe': alignment = 'none' elif mode == 'p-mpjpe': alignment = 'procrustes' elif mode == 'n-mpjpe': alignment = 'scale' else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid mode: {mode}') error = keypoint_mpjpe(preds, gts, masks, alignment) name_value_tuples = [(err_name, error)] for action_category, indices in action_category_indices.items(): _error = keypoint_mpjpe(preds[indices], gts[indices], masks[indices]) name_value_tuples.append((f'{err_name}_{action_category}', _error)) return name_value_tuples def _load_camera_param(self, camera_param_file): """Load camera parameters from file.""" return mmcv.load(camera_param_file)
[docs] def get_camera_param(self, imgname): """Get camera parameters of a frame by its image name.""" assert hasattr(self, 'camera_param') subj, _, camera = self._parse_h36m_imgname(imgname) return self.camera_param[(subj, camera)]
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