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Source code for mmpose.datasets.datasets.body3d.body3d_mview_direct_shelf_dataset

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Adapted from https://github.com/microsoft/voxelpose-pytorch
# Original license: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, under the MIT License.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import copy
import os.path as osp
import random
import tempfile
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

import mmcv
import numpy as np
from mmcv import Config

from mmpose.core.camera import SimpleCamera
from mmpose.datasets.builder import DATASETS
from mmpose.datasets.datasets.base import Kpt3dMviewRgbImgDirectDataset

[docs]@DATASETS.register_module() class Body3DMviewDirectShelfDataset(Kpt3dMviewRgbImgDirectDataset): """Shelf dataset for direct multi-view human pose estimation. `3D Pictorial Structures for Multiple Human Pose Estimation' CVPR'2014 More details can be found in the paper <http://campar.in.tum.de/pub/belagiannis2014cvpr/belagiannis2014cvpr.pdf>` The dataset loads both 2D and 3D annotations as well as camera parameters. It is worth mentioning that when training multi-view 3D pose models, due to the limited and incomplete annotations of this dataset, we may not use this dataset to train the model. Instead, we use the 2D pose estimator trained on COCO, and use independent 3D human poses from the CMU Panoptic dataset to train the 3D model. For testing, we first estimate 2D poses and generate 2D heatmaps for this dataset as the input to 3D model. Shelf keypoint indices:: 'Right-Ankle': 0, 'Right-Knee': 1, 'Right-Hip': 2, 'Left-Hip': 3, 'Left-Knee': 4, 'Left-Ankle': 5, 'Right-Wrist': 6, 'Right-Elbow': 7, 'Right-Shoulder': 8, 'Left-Shoulder': 9, 'Left-Elbow': 10, 'Left-Wrist': 11, 'Bottom-Head': 12, 'Top-Head': 13, Args: ann_file (str): Path to the annotation file. img_prefix (str): Path to a directory where images are held. Default: None. data_cfg (dict): config pipeline (list[dict | callable]): A sequence of data transforms. dataset_info (DatasetInfo): A class containing all dataset info. test_mode (bool): Store True when building test or validation dataset. Default: False. """ ALLOWED_METRICS = {'pcp', '3dpcp'} LIMBS = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [3, 4], [4, 5], [6, 7], [7, 8], [9, 10], [10, 11], [12, 13]] BONE_GROUP = OrderedDict([('Head', [8]), ('Torso', [9]), ('Upper arms', [5, 6]), ('Lower arms', [4, 7]), ('Upper legs', [1, 2]), ('Lower legs', [0, 3])]) def __init__(self, ann_file, img_prefix, data_cfg, pipeline, dataset_info=None, test_mode=False): if dataset_info is None: warnings.warn( 'dataset_info is missing. ' 'Check https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmpose/pull/663 ' 'for details.', DeprecationWarning) cfg = Config.fromfile('configs/_base_/datasets/shelf.py') dataset_info = cfg._cfg_dict['dataset_info'] super().__init__( ann_file, img_prefix, data_cfg, pipeline, dataset_info=dataset_info, test_mode=test_mode) self.load_config(data_cfg) self.ann_info['use_different_joint_weights'] = data_cfg.get( 'use_different_joint_weights', False) self.db_size = self.num_cameras * len( self.frame_range ) if self.test_mode else self.num_cameras * self.num_train_samples print(f'=> load {self.db_size} samples')
[docs] def load_config(self, data_cfg): """Initialize dataset attributes according to the config. Override this method to set dataset specific attributes. """ self.num_joints = data_cfg['num_joints'] self.cam_list = data_cfg['cam_list'] self.num_cameras = data_cfg['num_cameras'] assert self.num_cameras == len(self.cam_list) self.need_camera_param = True self.frame_range = data_cfg['frame_range'] self.width = data_cfg.get('width', 1032) self.height = data_cfg.get('height', 776) self.center = np.array((self.width / 2, self.height / 2), dtype=np.float32) self.scale = self._get_scale((self.width, self.height)) root_id = data_cfg.get('root_id', [11, 12]) self.root_id = [root_id] if isinstance(root_id, int) else root_id self.max_nposes = data_cfg.get('max_nposes', 6) self.min_nposes = data_cfg.get('min_nposes', 1) self.num_train_samples = data_cfg.get('num_train_samples', 3000) self.maximum_person = data_cfg.get('maximum_person', 10) self.cam_file = data_cfg.get( 'cam_file', osp.join(self.img_prefix, 'calibration_shelf.json')) self.test_pose_db_file = data_cfg.get( 'test_pose_db_file', osp.join(self.img_prefix, 'pred_shelf_maskrcnn_hrnet_coco.pkl')) self.train_pose_db_file = data_cfg.get( 'train_pose_db_file', osp.join(self.img_prefix, 'panoptic_training_pose.pkl')) self.gt_pose_db_file = data_cfg.get( 'gt_pose_db_file', osp.join(self.img_prefix, 'actorsGT.mat')) self._load_files()
def _get_db(self): """Load dataset.""" raise NotImplementedError( '_get_db method is not overwritten here because of two reasons.' 'First, the training and test samples are quite different. ' 'Second, the training samples have some randomness which is not' 'appropriate to collect all samples into a database one time.') def __getitem__(self, idx): """Get the sample given index.""" if self.test_mode: results = self._prepare_test_sample(idx) else: results = self._prepare_train_sample(idx) return self.pipeline(results) def _prepare_test_sample(self, idx): results = {} fid = self.frame_range[idx] for cam_id, cam_param in self.cameras.items(): image_file = osp.join(self.img_prefix, 'Camera' + cam_id, 'img_{:06d}.png'.format(fid)) all_poses_3d = [] all_poses_3d_vis = [] all_poses_2d = [] all_poses_2d_vis = [] single_view_camera = SimpleCamera(cam_param) for person in range(self.num_persons): pose3d = self.gt_pose_db[person][fid] * 1000.0 if len(pose3d[0]) > 0: # print('len(pose3d[0]): ', len(pose3d[0])) all_poses_3d.append(pose3d) all_poses_3d_vis.append(np.ones((14, 3))) pose2d = single_view_camera.world_to_pixel(pose3d) x_check = np.bitwise_and(pose2d[:, 0] >= 0, pose2d[:, 0] <= self.width - 1) y_check = np.bitwise_and(pose2d[:, 1] >= 0, pose2d[:, 1] <= self.height - 1) check = np.bitwise_and(x_check, y_check) joints_vis = np.ones((len(pose2d), 1)) joints_vis[np.logical_not(check)] = 0 all_poses_2d.append(pose2d) all_poses_2d_vis.append( np.repeat(np.reshape(joints_vis, (-1, 1)), 2, axis=1)) pred_index = '{}_{}'.format(cam_id, fid) pred_poses = self.test_pose_db[pred_index] preds = [] for pose in pred_poses: preds.append(np.array(pose['pred'])) preds = np.array(preds) results[int(cam_id)] = { 'image_file': image_file, 'joints_3d': all_poses_3d, 'joints_3d_visible': all_poses_3d_vis, 'joints_2d': all_poses_2d, 'joints_2d_visible': all_poses_2d_vis, 'camera': cam_param, 'joints': preds, 'sample_id': idx * self.num_cameras + int(cam_id), 'center': self.center, 'scale': self.scale, 'rotation': 0.0, 'ann_info': self.ann_info } return results def _prepare_train_sample(self, idx): results = {} # To prepare a training sample, there are three steps. # 1. Randomly sample some 3D poses from motion capture database nposes_ori = np.random.choice(range(self.min_nposes, self.max_nposes)) select_poses = np.random.choice(self.train_pose_db, nposes_ori) joints_3d = np.array([p['pose'] for p in select_poses]) joints_3d_vis = np.array([p['vis'] for p in select_poses]) bbox_list = [] center_list = [] # 2. Place the selected poses at random locations in the space for n in range(nposes_ori): points = joints_3d[n][:, :2].copy() # get the location of a person's root joint center = np.mean(points[self.root_id, :2], axis=0) rot_rad = np.random.uniform(-180, 180) new_center = self.get_new_center(center_list) new_xy = self.rotate_points(points, center, rot_rad) - center + new_center loop_count = 0 # here n will be at least 1 while not self.isvalid( self.calc_bbox(new_xy, joints_3d_vis[n]), bbox_list): loop_count += 1 if loop_count >= 100: break new_center = self.get_new_center(center_list) new_xy = self.rotate_points(points, center, rot_rad) - center + new_center if loop_count >= 100: nposes = n joints_3d = joints_3d[:n] joints_3d_vis = joints_3d_vis[:n] break else: nposes = nposes_ori center_list.append(new_center) bbox_list.append(self.calc_bbox(new_xy, joints_3d_vis[n])) joints_3d[n][:, :2] = new_xy joints_3d_u = np.zeros((self.maximum_person, len(joints_3d[0]), 3)) joints_3d_vis_u = np.zeros((self.maximum_person, len(joints_3d[0]), 3)) for i in range(nposes): joints_3d_u[i] = joints_3d[i][:, 0:3] joints_3d_vis_u[i] = joints_3d_vis[i][:, 0:3] roots_3d = np.mean(joints_3d_u[:, self.root_id], axis=1) # 3. Project 3D poses to all views to get the respective 2D locations for cam_id, cam_param in self.cameras.items(): joints = [] joints_vis = [] single_view_camera = SimpleCamera(cam_param) for n in range(nposes): # project the 3D pose to the view to get 2D location pose2d = single_view_camera.world_to_pixel(joints_3d[n]) # check the validity of joint cooridinate x_check = np.bitwise_and(pose2d[:, 0] >= 0, pose2d[:, 0] <= self.width - 1) y_check = np.bitwise_and(pose2d[:, 1] >= 0, pose2d[:, 1] <= self.height - 1) check = np.bitwise_and(x_check, y_check) vis = joints_3d_vis[n][:, 0] > 0 vis[np.logical_not(check)] = 0 joints.append(pose2d) joints_vis.append( np.repeat(np.reshape(vis, (-1, 1)), 2, axis=1)) # make joints and joints_vis having same shape joints_u = np.zeros((self.maximum_person, len(joints[0]), 2)) joints_vis_u = np.zeros((self.maximum_person, len(joints[0]), 2)) for i in range(nposes): joints_u[i] = joints[i] joints_vis_u[i] = joints_vis[i] results[int(cam_id)] = { 'joints_3d': joints_3d_u, 'joints_3d_visible': joints_3d_vis_u, 'roots_3d': roots_3d, 'joints': joints_u, 'joints_visible': joints_vis_u, 'camera': cam_param, 'sample_id': idx * self.num_cameras + int(cam_id), 'center': self.center, 'scale': self.scale, 'rotation': 0.0, 'num_persons': nposes, 'ann_info': self.ann_info } return results def __len__(self): """Get the size of the dataset.""" if self.test_mode: return len(self.frame_range) else: return self.num_train_samples
[docs] @staticmethod def get_new_center(center_list): """Generate new center or select from the center list randomly. The proability and the parameters related to cooridinates can also be tuned, just make sure that the center is within the given 3D space. """ if len(center_list) == 0 or random.random() < 0.7: new_center = np.array([ np.random.uniform(-1000.0, 2000.0), np.random.uniform(-1600.0, 1600.0) ]) else: xy = center_list[np.random.choice(range(len(center_list)))] new_center = xy + np.random.normal(500, 50, 2) * np.random.choice( [1, -1], 2) return new_center
[docs] @staticmethod def isvalid(bbox, bbox_list): """Check if the new person bbox are valid, which need to satisfies: have a sufficiently small iou with all other person bboxes. """ if len(bbox_list) == 0: return True bbox_list = np.array(bbox_list) x0 = np.maximum(bbox[0], bbox_list[:, 0]) y0 = np.maximum(bbox[1], bbox_list[:, 1]) x1 = np.minimum(bbox[2], bbox_list[:, 2]) y1 = np.minimum(bbox[3], bbox_list[:, 3]) intersection = np.maximum(0, (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0)) area = (bbox[2] - bbox[0]) * (bbox[3] - bbox[1]) area_list = (bbox_list[:, 2] - bbox_list[:, 0]) * ( bbox_list[:, 3] - bbox_list[:, 1]) iou_list = intersection / (area + area_list - intersection) return np.max(iou_list) < 0.01
[docs] def evaluate(self, results, res_folder=None, metric='pcp', recall_threshold=500, alpha_error=0.5, alpha_head=0.75, **kwargs): """ Args: results (list[dict]): Testing results containing the following items: - pose_3d (np.ndarray): predicted 3D human pose - sample_id (np.ndarray): sample id of a frame. res_folder (str, optional): The folder to save the testing results. If not specified, a temp folder will be created. Default: None. metric (str | list[str]): Metric to be performed. Defaults: 'pcp'. recall_threshold: threshold for calculating recall. alpha_error: coefficient when calculating correct parts. alpha_head: coefficient for conputing head keypoints position when converting coco poses to shelf poses **kwargs: Returns: """ pose_3ds = np.concatenate([result['pose_3d'] for result in results], axis=0) sample_ids = [] for result in results: sample_ids.extend(result['sample_id']) _results = [ dict(sample_id=sample_id, pose_3d=pose_3d) for (sample_id, pose_3d) in zip(sample_ids, pose_3ds) ] _results = self._sort_and_unique_outputs(_results, key='sample_id') metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, list) else [metric] for _metric in metrics: if _metric not in self.ALLOWED_METRICS: raise ValueError( f'Unsupported metric "{_metric}"' f'Supported metrics are {self.ALLOWED_METRICS}') if res_folder is not None: tmp_folder = None res_file = osp.join(res_folder, 'result_keypoints.json') else: tmp_folder = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() res_file = osp.join(tmp_folder.name, 'result_keypoints.json') mmcv.dump(_results, res_file) gt_num = self.db_size // self.num_cameras assert len( _results) == gt_num, f'number mismatch: {len(_results)}, {gt_num}' match_gt = 0 total_gt = 0 correct_parts = np.zeros(self.num_persons) total_parts = np.zeros(self.num_persons) bone_correct_parts = np.zeros((self.num_persons, len(self.LIMBS) + 1)) for i, fid in enumerate(self.frame_range): pred_coco = pose_3ds[i].copy() pred_coco = pred_coco[pred_coco[:, 0, 3] >= 0, :, :3] pred = np.stack([ self.coco2shelf3D(p, alpha_head) for p in copy.deepcopy(pred_coco[:, :, :3]) ]) for person in range(self.num_persons): gt = self.gt_pose_db[person][fid] * 1000.0 if len(gt[0]) == 0: continue mpjpes = np.mean( np.sqrt(np.sum((gt[np.newaxis] - pred)**2, axis=-1)), axis=-1) min_n = np.argmin(mpjpes) min_mpjpe = np.min(mpjpes) if min_mpjpe < recall_threshold: match_gt += 1 total_gt += 1 for j, k in enumerate(self.LIMBS): total_parts[person] += 1 error_s = np.linalg.norm(pred[min_n, k[0], 0:3] - gt[k[0]]) error_e = np.linalg.norm(pred[min_n, k[1], 0:3] - gt[k[1]]) limb_length = np.linalg.norm(gt[k[0]] - gt[k[1]]) if (error_s + error_e) / 2.0 <= alpha_error * limb_length: correct_parts[person] += 1 bone_correct_parts[person, j] += 1 # an extra limb total_parts[person] += 1 # hip position rhip_idx, lhip_idx = 2, 3 pred_hip = (pred[min_n, rhip_idx, 0:3] + pred[min_n, lhip_idx, 0:3]) / 2.0 gt_hip = (gt[rhip_idx] + gt[lhip_idx]) / 2.0 error_s = np.linalg.norm(pred_hip - gt_hip) # bottom-head position bh_idx = 12 error_e = np.linalg.norm(pred[min_n, bh_idx, 0:3] - gt[bh_idx]) limb_length = np.linalg.norm(gt_hip - gt[bh_idx]) if (error_e + error_s) / 2.0 <= alpha_error * limb_length: correct_parts[person] += 1 bone_correct_parts[person, -1] += 1 actor_pcp = correct_parts / (total_parts + 1e-8) * 100.0 avg_pcp = np.mean(actor_pcp[:3]) stats_names = [ f'Actor {person+1} Total PCP' for person in range(self.num_persons) ] + ['pcp'] stats_values = [*actor_pcp, avg_pcp] results = OrderedDict() for name, value in zip(stats_names, stats_values): results[name] = value for k, v in self.BONE_GROUP.items(): cum_pcp = 0 for person in range(self.num_persons): new_k = f'Actor {person+1} ' + k + ' PCP' pcp = np.sum( bone_correct_parts[person, v], axis=-1) / (total_parts[person] / (len(self.LIMBS) + 1) * len(v) + 1e-8) * 100 results[new_k] = pcp cum_pcp += pcp new_k = 'Average ' + k + ' PCP' results[new_k] = cum_pcp / self.num_persons return results
[docs] @staticmethod def coco2shelf3D(coco_pose, alpha=0.75): """transform coco order(our method output) 3d pose to shelf dataset order with interpolation. Args: coco_pose: np.array with shape 17x3 Returns: 3D pose in shelf order with shape 14x3 """ shelf_pose = np.zeros((14, 3)) coco2shelf = np.array([16, 14, 12, 11, 13, 15, 10, 8, 6, 5, 7, 9]) shelf_pose[0:12] += coco_pose[coco2shelf] # L and R shoulder mid_sho = (coco_pose[5] + coco_pose[6]) / 2 # middle of two ear head_center = (coco_pose[3] + coco_pose[4]) / 2 # nose and head center head_bottom = (mid_sho + head_center) / 2 head_top = head_bottom + (head_center - head_bottom) * 2 # Use middle of shoulder to init shelf_pose[12] = (shelf_pose[8] + shelf_pose[9]) / 2 # use nose to init shelf_pose[13] = coco_pose[0] shelf_pose[13] = shelf_pose[12] + ( shelf_pose[13] - shelf_pose[12]) * np.array([0.75, 0.75, 1.5]) shelf_pose[12] = shelf_pose[12] + ( coco_pose[0] - shelf_pose[12]) * np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) shelf_pose[13] = shelf_pose[13] * alpha + head_top * (1 - alpha) shelf_pose[12] = shelf_pose[12] * alpha + head_bottom * (1 - alpha) return shelf_pose
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