
Source code for mmpose.models.heads.mtut_head

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import itertools

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from mmcv.cnn import xavier_init

from ..builder import HEADS

[docs]@HEADS.register_module() class MultiModalSSAHead(nn.Module): """Sparial-temporal Semantic Alignment Head proposed in "Improving the performance of unimodal dynamic hand-gesture recognition with multimodal training", Please refer to the `paper <>`__ for details. Args: num_classes (int): number of classes. modality (list[str]): modalities of input videos for backbone. in_channels (int): number of channels of feature maps. Default: 1024 avg_pool_kernel (tuple[int]): kernel size of pooling layer. Default: (1, 7, 7) dropout_prob (float): probablity to use dropout on input feature map. Default: 0 train_cfg (dict): training config. test_cfg (dict): testing config. """ def __init__(self, num_classes, modality, in_channels=1024, avg_pool_kernel=(1, 7, 7), dropout_prob=0.0, train_cfg=None, test_cfg=None, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.modality = modality self.train_cfg = train_cfg self.test_cfg = test_cfg # build sub modules self.avg_pool = nn.AvgPool3d(avg_pool_kernel, (1, 1, 1)) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_prob) self.output_conv = nn.Module() for modal in self.modality: conv3d = nn.Conv3d(in_channels, num_classes, (1, 1, 1)) setattr(self.output_conv, modal, conv3d) self.loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') # parameters for ssa loss self.beta = self.train_cfg.get('beta', 2.0) self.lambda_ = self.train_cfg.get('lambda_', 5e-3) self.start_epoch = self.train_cfg.get('ssa_start_epoch', 1e6) self._train_epoch = 0
[docs] def init_weights(self): """Initialize model weights.""" for m in self.output_conv.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv3d): xavier_init(m)
[docs] def set_train_epoch(self, epoch: int): """set the epoch to control the activation of SSA loss.""" self._train_epoch = epoch
[docs] def forward(self, x, img_metas): """Forward function.""" logits = [] for i, modal in enumerate(img_metas['modality']): out = self.avg_pool(x[i]) out = self.dropout(out) out = getattr(self.output_conv, modal)(out) out = out.mean(3).mean(3) logits.append(out) return logits
@staticmethod def _compute_corr(fmap): """compute the self-correlation matrix of feature map.""" fmap = fmap.view(fmap.size(0), fmap.size(1), -1) fmap = nn.functional.normalize(fmap, dim=2, eps=1e-8) corr = torch.bmm(fmap.permute(0, 2, 1), fmap) return corr.view(corr.size(0), -1)
[docs] def get_loss(self, logits, label, fmaps=None): """Compute the Cross Entropy loss and SSA loss. Note: - batch_size: N - number of classes: nC - feature map channel: C - feature map height: H - feature map width: W - feature map length: L - logit length: Lg Args: logits (list[NxnCxLg]): predicted logits for each modality. label (list(dict)): Category label. fmaps (list[torch.Tensor[NxCxLxHxW]]): feature maps for each modality. Returns: dict[str, torch.tensor]: computed losses. """ losses = {} ce_loss = [self.loss(logit.mean(dim=2), label) for logit in logits] if self._train_epoch >= self.start_epoch: ssa_loss = [] corrs = [self._compute_corr(fmap) for fmap in fmaps] for idx1, idx2 in itertools.combinations(range(len(fmaps)), 2): for i, j in ((idx1, idx2), (idx2, idx1)): rho = (ce_loss[i] - ce_loss[j]).clamp(min=0) rho = (torch.exp(self.beta * rho) - 1).detach() ssa = corrs[i] - corrs[j].detach() ssa = rho * ssa.pow(2).mean(dim=1).pow(0.5) ssa_loss.append((ssa.mean() * self.lambda_).clamp(max=10)) losses['ssa_loss'] = sum(ssa_loss) ce_loss = [loss.mean() for loss in ce_loss] losses['ce_loss'] = sum(ce_loss) return losses
[docs] def get_accuracy(self, logits, label, img_metas): """Compute the accuracy of predicted gesture. Note: - batch_size: N - number of classes: nC - logit length: L Args: logits (list[NxnCxL]): predicted logits for each modality. label (list(dict)): Category label. img_metas (list(dict)): Information about data. By default this includes: - "fps: video frame rate - "modality": modality of input videos Returns: dict[str, torch.tensor]: computed accuracy for each modality. """ results = {} for i, modal in enumerate(img_metas['modality']): logit = logits[i].mean(dim=2) acc = (logit.argmax(dim=1) == label).float().mean() results[f'acc_{modal}'] = acc.item() return results
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