
Customize Data Transformation and Augmentation


In the OpenMMLab algorithm library, the construction of the dataset and the preparation of the data are decoupled from each other. Usually, the construction of the dataset only analyzes the dataset and records the basic information of each sample, while the preparation of the data is through a series of According to the basic information of the sample, perform data loading, preprocessing, formatting and other operations.

The use of data transformation

The data transformation and data augmentation classes in MMPose are defined in the $MMPose/datasets/transforms directory, and the corresponding file structure is as follows:

        |----bottomup_transforms    # Button-Up transforms
        |----common_transforms      # Common Transforms
        |----converting             # Keypoint converting
        |----formatting             # Input data formatting
        |----loading                # Raw data loading
        |----pose3d_transforms      # Pose3d-transforms
        |----topdown_transforms     # Top-Down transforms

In MMPose, data augmentation and data transformation is a stage that users often need to consider. You can refer to the following process to design related stages:

The common_transforms component provides commonly used RandomFlip, RandomHalfBody data augmentation.

MMPose provides corresponding data conversion interfaces for Top-Down, Button-Up, and pose-3d. Transform the image and coordinate labels from the original_image_space to the input_image_space by using an affine transformation.

Taking RandomFlip as an example, this method randomly transforms the original_image and converts it into an input_image or an intermediate_image. To define a data transformation process, you need to inherit the BaseTransform class and register with TRANSFORM:

from mmcv.transforms import BaseTransform
from mmpose.registry import TRANSFORMS

class RandomFlip(BaseTransform):
      """Randomly flip the image, bbox and keypoints.

    Required Keys:

        - img
        - img_shape
        - flip_indices
        - input_size (optional)
        - bbox (optional)
        - bbox_center (optional)
        - keypoints (optional)
        - keypoints_visible (optional)
        - img_mask (optional)

    Modified Keys:

        - img
        - bbox (optional)
        - bbox_center (optional)
        - keypoints (optional)
        - keypoints_visible (optional)
        - img_mask (optional)

    Added Keys:

        - flip
        - flip_direction

        prob (float | list[float]): The flipping probability. If a list is
            given, the argument `direction` should be a list with the same
            length. And each element in `prob` indicates the flipping
            probability of the corresponding one in ``direction``. Defaults
            to 0.5
        direction (str | list[str]): The flipping direction. Options are
            ``'horizontal'``, ``'vertical'`` and ``'diagonal'``. If a list is
            is given, each data sample's flipping direction will be sampled
            from a distribution determined by the argument ``prob``. Defaults
            to ``'horizontal'``.
    def __init__(self,
                prob: Union[float, List[float]] = 0.5,
                direction: Union[str, List[str]] = 'horizontal') -> None:
      if isinstance(prob, list):
          assert is_list_of(prob, float)
          assert 0 <= sum(prob) <= 1
      elif isinstance(prob, float):
          assert 0 <= prob <= 1
          raise ValueError(f'probs must be float or list of float, but \
                            got `{type(prob)}`.')
      self.prob = prob

      valid_directions = ['horizontal', 'vertical', 'diagonal']
      if isinstance(direction, str):
          assert direction in valid_directions
      elif isinstance(direction, list):
          assert is_list_of(direction, str)
          assert set(direction).issubset(set(valid_directions))
          raise ValueError(f'direction must be either str or list of str, \
                              but got `{type(direction)}`.')
      self.direction = direction

      if isinstance(prob, list):
          assert len(prob) == len(self.direction)


  • prob specifies the probability of transformation in horizontal, vertical, diagonal, etc., and is a list of floating-point numbers in the range [0,1].

  • direction specifies the direction of data transformation:

    • horizontal

    • vertical

    • diagonal


  • Return a dict data after data transformation.

Here is a simple example of using diagonal  RandomFlip

from mmpose.datasets.transforms import LoadImage, RandomFlip
import mmcv

# Load the original image from the path
results = dict(
transform = LoadImage()
results = transform(results)
# At this point, the original image loaded is a `dict`
# that contains the following attributes`:
# - `img_path`: Absolute path of image
# - `img`: Pixel points of the image
# - `img_shape`: The shape of the image
# - `ori_shape`: The original shape of the image

# Perform diagonal flip transformation on the original image
transform = RandomFlip(prob=1., direction='diagonal')
results = transform(results)
# At this point, the original image loaded is a `dict`
# that contains the following attributes`:
# - `img_path`: Absolute path of image
# - `img`: Pixel points of the image
# - `img_shape`: The shape of the image
# - `ori_shape`: The original shape of the image
# - `flip`: Is the image flipped and transformed
# - `flip_direction`: The direction in which
# the image is flipped and transformed

# Get the image after flipping and transformation

For more information on using custom data transformations and enhancements, please refer to $MMPose/test/test_datasets/test_transforms/test_common_transforms


The RandomHalfBody data augmentation algorithm probabilistically transforms the data of the upper or lower body.


  • min_total_keypoints minimum total keypoints

  • min_half_keypoints minimum half-body keypoints

  • padding The filling ratio of the bbox

  • prob accepts the probability of half-body transformation when the number of key points meets the requirements


  • Return a dict data after data transformation.

Topdown Affine

The TopdownAffine data transformation algorithm transforms the original image into an input image through affine transformation

  • input_size The bbox area will be cropped and corrected to the [w,h] size

  • use_udp whether to use fair data process UDP.


  • Return a dict data after data transformation.

Using Data Augmentation and Transformation in the Pipeline

The data augmentation and data transformation process in the configuration file can be the following example:

train_pipeline_stage2 = [
    dict(type='RandomFlip', direction='horizontal'),
        scale_factor=[0.75, 1.25],

The pipeline in the example performs data enhancement on the input data, performs random horizontal transformation and half-body transformation, and performs Top-Down Shift, Rotate, and Resize operations, and implements affine transformation through TopdownAffine operations to transform to the input_image_space.

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