
Source code for mmpose.evaluation.metrics.coco_metric

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import datetime
import os.path as osp
import tempfile
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence

import numpy as np
from mmengine.evaluator import BaseMetric
from mmengine.fileio import dump, get_local_path, load
from mmengine.logging import MessageHub, MMLogger, print_log
from xtcocotools.coco import COCO
from xtcocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval

from mmpose.registry import METRICS
from mmpose.structures.bbox import bbox_xyxy2xywh
from ..functional import (oks_nms, soft_oks_nms, transform_ann, transform_pred,

[docs]@METRICS.register_module() class CocoMetric(BaseMetric): """COCO pose estimation task evaluation metric. Evaluate AR, AP, and mAP for keypoint detection tasks. Support COCO dataset and other datasets in COCO format. Please refer to `COCO keypoint evaluation <>`__ for more details. Args: ann_file (str, optional): Path to the coco format annotation file. If not specified, ground truth annotations from the dataset will be converted to coco format. Defaults to None use_area (bool): Whether to use ``'area'`` message in the annotations. If the ground truth annotations (e.g. CrowdPose, AIC) do not have the field ``'area'``, please set ``use_area=False``. Defaults to ``True`` iou_type (str): The same parameter as `iouType` in :class:`xtcocotools.COCOeval`, which can be ``'keypoints'``, or ``'keypoints_crowd'`` (used in CrowdPose dataset). Defaults to ``'keypoints'`` score_mode (str): The mode to score the prediction results which should be one of the following options: - ``'bbox'``: Take the score of bbox as the score of the prediction results. - ``'bbox_keypoint'``: Use keypoint score to rescore the prediction results. - ``'bbox_rle'``: Use rle_score to rescore the prediction results. Defaults to ``'bbox_keypoint'` keypoint_score_thr (float): The threshold of keypoint score. The keypoints with score lower than it will not be included to rescore the prediction results. Valid only when ``score_mode`` is ``bbox_keypoint``. Defaults to ``0.2`` nms_mode (str): The mode to perform Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS), which should be one of the following options: - ``'oks_nms'``: Use Object Keypoint Similarity (OKS) to perform NMS. - ``'soft_oks_nms'``: Use Object Keypoint Similarity (OKS) to perform soft NMS. - ``'none'``: Do not perform NMS. Typically for bottomup mode output. Defaults to ``'oks_nms'` nms_thr (float): The Object Keypoint Similarity (OKS) threshold used in NMS when ``nms_mode`` is ``'oks_nms'`` or ``'soft_oks_nms'``. Will retain the prediction results with OKS lower than ``nms_thr``. Defaults to ``0.9`` format_only (bool): Whether only format the output results without doing quantitative evaluation. This is designed for the need of test submission when the ground truth annotations are absent. If set to ``True``, ``outfile_prefix`` should specify the path to store the output results. Defaults to ``False`` pred_converter (dict, optional): Config dictionary for the prediction converter. The dictionary has the same parameters as 'KeypointConverter'. Defaults to None. gt_converter (dict, optional): Config dictionary for the ground truth converter. The dictionary has the same parameters as 'KeypointConverter'. Defaults to None. outfile_prefix (str | None): The prefix of json files. It includes the file path and the prefix of filename, e.g., ``'a/b/prefix'``. If not specified, a temp file will be created. Defaults to ``None`` collect_device (str): Device name used for collecting results from different ranks during distributed training. Must be ``'cpu'`` or ``'gpu'``. Defaults to ``'cpu'`` prefix (str, optional): The prefix that will be added in the metric names to disambiguate homonymous metrics of different evaluators. If prefix is not provided in the argument, ``self.default_prefix`` will be used instead. Defaults to ``None`` """ default_prefix: Optional[str] = 'coco' def __init__(self, ann_file: Optional[str] = None, use_area: bool = True, iou_type: str = 'keypoints', score_mode: str = 'bbox_keypoint', keypoint_score_thr: float = 0.2, nms_mode: str = 'oks_nms', nms_thr: float = 0.9, format_only: bool = False, pred_converter: Dict = None, gt_converter: Dict = None, outfile_prefix: Optional[str] = None, collect_device: str = 'cpu', prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> None: super().__init__(collect_device=collect_device, prefix=prefix) self.ann_file = ann_file # initialize coco helper with the annotation json file # if ann_file is not specified, initialize with the converted dataset if ann_file is not None: with get_local_path(ann_file) as local_path: self.coco = COCO(local_path) else: self.coco = None self.use_area = use_area self.iou_type = iou_type allowed_score_modes = ['bbox', 'bbox_keypoint', 'bbox_rle', 'keypoint'] if score_mode not in allowed_score_modes: raise ValueError( "`score_mode` should be one of 'bbox', 'bbox_keypoint', " f"'bbox_rle', but got {score_mode}") self.score_mode = score_mode self.keypoint_score_thr = keypoint_score_thr allowed_nms_modes = ['oks_nms', 'soft_oks_nms', 'none'] if nms_mode not in allowed_nms_modes: raise ValueError( "`nms_mode` should be one of 'oks_nms', 'soft_oks_nms', " f"'none', but got {nms_mode}") self.nms_mode = nms_mode self.nms_thr = nms_thr if format_only: assert outfile_prefix is not None, '`outfile_prefix` can not be '\ 'None when `format_only` is True, otherwise the result file '\ 'will be saved to a temp directory which will be cleaned up '\ 'in the end.' elif ann_file is not None: # do evaluation only if the ground truth annotations exist assert 'annotations' in load(ann_file), \ 'Ground truth annotations are required for evaluation '\ 'when `format_only` is False.' self.format_only = format_only self.outfile_prefix = outfile_prefix self.pred_converter = pred_converter self.gt_converter = gt_converter @property def dataset_meta(self) -> Optional[dict]: """Optional[dict]: Meta info of the dataset.""" return self._dataset_meta @dataset_meta.setter def dataset_meta(self, dataset_meta: dict) -> None: """Set the dataset meta info to the metric.""" if self.gt_converter is not None: dataset_meta['sigmas'] = transform_sigmas( dataset_meta['sigmas'], self.gt_converter['num_keypoints'], self.gt_converter['mapping']) dataset_meta['num_keypoints'] = len(dataset_meta['sigmas']) self._dataset_meta = dataset_meta if self.coco is None: message = MessageHub.get_current_instance() ann_file = message.get_info( f"{dataset_meta['dataset_name']}_ann_file", None) if ann_file is not None: with get_local_path(ann_file) as local_path: self.coco = COCO(local_path) print_log( f'CocoMetric for dataset ' f"{dataset_meta['dataset_name']} has successfully " f'loaded the annotation file from {ann_file}', 'current')
[docs] def process(self, data_batch: Sequence[dict], data_samples: Sequence[dict]) -> None: """Process one batch of data samples and predictions. The processed results should be stored in ``self.results``, which will be used to compute the metrics when all batches have been processed. Args: data_batch (Sequence[dict]): A batch of data from the dataloader. data_samples (Sequence[dict]): A batch of outputs from the model, each of which has the following keys: - 'id': The id of the sample - 'img_id': The image_id of the sample - 'pred_instances': The prediction results of instance(s) """ for data_sample in data_samples: if 'pred_instances' not in data_sample: raise ValueError( '`pred_instances` are required to process the ' f'predictions results in {self.__class__.__name__}. ') # keypoints.shape: [N, K, 2], # N: number of instances, K: number of keypoints # for topdown-style output, N is usually 1, while for # bottomup-style output, N is the number of instances in the image keypoints = data_sample['pred_instances']['keypoints'] # [N, K], the scores for all keypoints of all instances keypoint_scores = data_sample['pred_instances']['keypoint_scores'] assert keypoint_scores.shape == keypoints.shape[:2] # parse prediction results pred = dict() pred['id'] = data_sample['id'] pred['img_id'] = data_sample['img_id'] pred['keypoints'] = keypoints pred['keypoint_scores'] = keypoint_scores pred['category_id'] = data_sample.get('category_id', 1) if 'bboxes' in data_sample['pred_instances']: pred['bbox'] = bbox_xyxy2xywh( data_sample['pred_instances']['bboxes']) if 'bbox_scores' in data_sample['pred_instances']: # some one-stage models will predict bboxes and scores # together with keypoints bbox_scores = data_sample['pred_instances']['bbox_scores'] elif ('bbox_scores' not in data_sample['gt_instances'] or len(data_sample['gt_instances']['bbox_scores']) != len(keypoints)): # bottom-up models might output different number of # instances from annotation bbox_scores = np.ones(len(keypoints)) else: # top-down models use detected bboxes, the scores of which # are contained in the gt_instances bbox_scores = data_sample['gt_instances']['bbox_scores'] pred['bbox_scores'] = bbox_scores # get area information if 'bbox_scales' in data_sample['gt_instances']: pred['areas'] = data_sample['gt_instances']['bbox_scales'], axis=1) # parse gt gt = dict() if self.coco is None: gt['width'] = data_sample['ori_shape'][1] gt['height'] = data_sample['ori_shape'][0] gt['img_id'] = data_sample['img_id'] if self.iou_type == 'keypoints_crowd': assert 'crowd_index' in data_sample, \ '`crowd_index` is required when `self.iou_type` is ' \ '`keypoints_crowd`' gt['crowd_index'] = data_sample['crowd_index'] assert 'raw_ann_info' in data_sample, \ 'The row ground truth annotations are required for ' \ 'evaluation when `ann_file` is not provided' anns = data_sample['raw_ann_info'] gt['raw_ann_info'] = anns if isinstance(anns, list) else [anns] # add converted result to the results list self.results.append((pred, gt))
[docs] def gt_to_coco_json(self, gt_dicts: Sequence[dict], outfile_prefix: str) -> str: """Convert ground truth to coco format json file. Args: gt_dicts (Sequence[dict]): Ground truth of the dataset. Each dict contains the ground truth information about the data sample. Required keys of the each `gt_dict` in `gt_dicts`: - `img_id`: image id of the data sample - `width`: original image width - `height`: original image height - `raw_ann_info`: the raw annotation information Optional keys: - `crowd_index`: measure the crowding level of an image, defined in CrowdPose dataset It is worth mentioning that, in order to compute `CocoMetric`, there are some required keys in the `raw_ann_info`: - `id`: the id to distinguish different annotations - `image_id`: the image id of this annotation - `category_id`: the category of the instance. - `bbox`: the object bounding box - `keypoints`: the keypoints cooridinates along with their visibilities. Note that it need to be aligned with the official COCO format, e.g., a list with length N * 3, in which N is the number of keypoints. And each triplet represent the [x, y, visible] of the keypoint. - `iscrowd`: indicating whether the annotation is a crowd. It is useful when matching the detection results to the ground truth. There are some optional keys as well: - `area`: it is necessary when `self.use_area` is `True` - `num_keypoints`: it is necessary when `self.iou_type` is set as `keypoints_crowd`. outfile_prefix (str): The filename prefix of the json files. If the prefix is "somepath/xxx", the json file will be named "somepath/". Returns: str: The filename of the json file. """ image_infos = [] annotations = [] img_ids = [] ann_ids = [] for gt_dict in gt_dicts: # filter duplicate image_info if gt_dict['img_id'] not in img_ids: image_info = dict( id=gt_dict['img_id'], width=gt_dict['width'], height=gt_dict['height'], ) if self.iou_type == 'keypoints_crowd': image_info['crowdIndex'] = gt_dict['crowd_index'] image_infos.append(image_info) img_ids.append(gt_dict['img_id']) # filter duplicate annotations for ann in gt_dict['raw_ann_info']: if ann is None: # during evaluation on bottom-up datasets, some images # do not have instance annotation continue annotation = dict( id=ann['id'], image_id=ann['image_id'], category_id=ann['category_id'], bbox=ann['bbox'], keypoints=ann['keypoints'], iscrowd=ann['iscrowd'], ) if self.use_area: assert 'area' in ann, \ '`area` is required when `self.use_area` is `True`' annotation['area'] = ann['area'] if self.iou_type == 'keypoints_crowd': assert 'num_keypoints' in ann, \ '`num_keypoints` is required when `self.iou_type` ' \ 'is `keypoints_crowd`' annotation['num_keypoints'] = ann['num_keypoints'] annotations.append(annotation) ann_ids.append(ann['id']) info = dict( date_created=str(, description='Coco json file converted by mmpose CocoMetric.') coco_json = dict( info=info, images=image_infos, categories=self.dataset_meta['CLASSES'], licenses=None, annotations=annotations, ) converted_json_path = f'{outfile_prefix}.gt.json' dump(coco_json, converted_json_path, sort_keys=True, indent=4) return converted_json_path
[docs] def compute_metrics(self, results: list) -> Dict[str, float]: """Compute the metrics from processed results. Args: results (list): The processed results of each batch. Returns: Dict[str, float]: The computed metrics. The keys are the names of the metrics, and the values are corresponding results. """ logger: MMLogger = MMLogger.get_current_instance() # split prediction and gt list preds, gts = zip(*results) tmp_dir = None if self.outfile_prefix is None: tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() outfile_prefix = osp.join(, 'results') else: outfile_prefix = self.outfile_prefix if self.coco is None: # use converted gt json file to initialize coco helper'Converting ground truth to coco format...') coco_json_path = self.gt_to_coco_json( gt_dicts=gts, outfile_prefix=outfile_prefix) self.coco = COCO(coco_json_path) if self.gt_converter is not None: for id_, ann in self.coco.anns.items(): self.coco.anns[id_] = transform_ann( ann, self.gt_converter['num_keypoints'], self.gt_converter['mapping']) kpts = defaultdict(list) # group the preds by img_id for pred in preds: img_id = pred['img_id'] if self.pred_converter is not None: pred = transform_pred(pred, self.pred_converter['num_keypoints'], self.pred_converter['mapping']) for idx, keypoints in enumerate(pred['keypoints']): instance = { 'id': pred['id'], 'img_id': pred['img_id'], 'category_id': pred['category_id'], 'keypoints': keypoints, 'keypoint_scores': pred['keypoint_scores'][idx], 'bbox_score': pred['bbox_scores'][idx], } if 'bbox' in pred: instance['bbox'] = pred['bbox'][idx] if 'areas' in pred: instance['area'] = pred['areas'][idx] else: # use keypoint to calculate bbox and get area area = ( np.max(keypoints[:, 0]) - np.min(keypoints[:, 0])) * ( np.max(keypoints[:, 1]) - np.min(keypoints[:, 1])) instance['area'] = area kpts[img_id].append(instance) # sort keypoint results according to id and remove duplicate ones kpts = self._sort_and_unique_bboxes(kpts, key='id') # score the prediction results according to `score_mode` # and perform NMS according to `nms_mode` valid_kpts = defaultdict(list) if self.pred_converter is not None: num_keypoints = self.pred_converter['num_keypoints'] else: num_keypoints = self.dataset_meta['num_keypoints'] for img_id, instances in kpts.items(): for instance in instances: # concatenate the keypoint coordinates and scores instance['keypoints'] = np.concatenate([ instance['keypoints'], instance['keypoint_scores'][:, None] ], axis=-1) if self.score_mode == 'bbox': instance['score'] = instance['bbox_score'] elif self.score_mode == 'keypoint': instance['score'] = np.mean(instance['keypoint_scores']) else: bbox_score = instance['bbox_score'] if self.score_mode == 'bbox_rle': keypoint_scores = instance['keypoint_scores'] instance['score'] = float(bbox_score + np.mean(keypoint_scores) + np.max(keypoint_scores)) else: # self.score_mode == 'bbox_keypoint': mean_kpt_score = 0 valid_num = 0 for kpt_idx in range(num_keypoints): kpt_score = instance['keypoint_scores'][kpt_idx] if kpt_score > self.keypoint_score_thr: mean_kpt_score += kpt_score valid_num += 1 if valid_num != 0: mean_kpt_score /= valid_num instance['score'] = bbox_score * mean_kpt_score # perform nms if self.nms_mode == 'none': valid_kpts[img_id] = instances else: nms = oks_nms if self.nms_mode == 'oks_nms' else soft_oks_nms keep = nms( instances, self.nms_thr, sigmas=self.dataset_meta['sigmas']) valid_kpts[img_id] = [instances[_keep] for _keep in keep] # convert results to coco style and dump into a json file self.results2json(valid_kpts, outfile_prefix=outfile_prefix) # only format the results without doing quantitative evaluation if self.format_only:'results are saved in ' f'{osp.dirname(outfile_prefix)}') return {} # evaluation results eval_results = OrderedDict()'Evaluating {self.__class__.__name__}...') info_str = self._do_python_keypoint_eval(outfile_prefix) name_value = OrderedDict(info_str) eval_results.update(name_value) if tmp_dir is not None: tmp_dir.cleanup() return eval_results
[docs] def results2json(self, keypoints: Dict[int, list], outfile_prefix: str) -> str: """Dump the keypoint detection results to a COCO style json file. Args: keypoints (Dict[int, list]): Keypoint detection results of the dataset. outfile_prefix (str): The filename prefix of the json files. If the prefix is "somepath/xxx", the json files will be named "somepath/xxx.keypoints.json", Returns: str: The json file name of keypoint results. """ # the results with category_id cat_results = [] for _, img_kpts in keypoints.items(): _keypoints = np.array( [img_kpt['keypoints'] for img_kpt in img_kpts]) num_keypoints = self.dataset_meta['num_keypoints'] # collect all the person keypoints in current image _keypoints = _keypoints.reshape(-1, num_keypoints * 3) result = [] for img_kpt, keypoint in zip(img_kpts, _keypoints): res = { 'image_id': img_kpt['img_id'], 'category_id': img_kpt['category_id'], 'keypoints': keypoint.tolist(), 'score': float(img_kpt['score']), } if 'bbox' in img_kpt: res['bbox'] = img_kpt['bbox'].tolist() result.append(res) cat_results.extend(result) res_file = f'{outfile_prefix}.keypoints.json' dump(cat_results, res_file, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def _do_python_keypoint_eval(self, outfile_prefix: str) -> list: """Do keypoint evaluation using COCOAPI. Args: outfile_prefix (str): The filename prefix of the json files. If the prefix is "somepath/xxx", the json files will be named "somepath/xxx.keypoints.json", Returns: list: a list of tuples. Each tuple contains the evaluation stats name and corresponding stats value. """ res_file = f'{outfile_prefix}.keypoints.json' coco_det = self.coco.loadRes(res_file) sigmas = self.dataset_meta['sigmas'] coco_eval = COCOeval(self.coco, coco_det, self.iou_type, sigmas, self.use_area) coco_eval.params.useSegm = None coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize() if self.iou_type == 'keypoints_crowd': stats_names = [ 'AP', 'AP .5', 'AP .75', 'AR', 'AR .5', 'AR .75', 'AP(E)', 'AP(M)', 'AP(H)' ] else: stats_names = [ 'AP', 'AP .5', 'AP .75', 'AP (M)', 'AP (L)', 'AR', 'AR .5', 'AR .75', 'AR (M)', 'AR (L)' ] info_str = list(zip(stats_names, coco_eval.stats)) return info_str def _sort_and_unique_bboxes(self, kpts: Dict[int, list], key: str = 'id') -> Dict[int, list]: """Sort keypoint detection results in each image and remove the duplicate ones. Usually performed in multi-batch testing. Args: kpts (Dict[int, list]): keypoint prediction results. The keys are '`img_id`' and the values are list that may contain keypoints of multiple persons. Each element in the list is a dict containing the ``'key'`` field. See the argument ``key`` for details. key (str): The key name in each person prediction results. The corresponding value will be used for sorting the results. Default: ``'id'``. Returns: Dict[int, list]: The sorted keypoint detection results. """ for img_id, persons in kpts.items(): # deal with bottomup-style output if isinstance(kpts[img_id][0][key], Sequence): return kpts num = len(persons) kpts[img_id] = sorted(kpts[img_id], key=lambda x: x[key]) for i in range(num - 1, 0, -1): if kpts[img_id][i][key] == kpts[img_id][i - 1][key]: del kpts[img_id][i] return kpts