Source code for mmpose.evaluation.metrics.hand_metric
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence
import numpy as np
from mmengine.evaluator import BaseMetric
from mmengine.logging import MMLogger
from mmpose.codecs.utils import pixel_to_camera
from mmpose.registry import METRICS
from ..functional import keypoint_epe
class InterHandMetric(BaseMetric):
METRICS = {'MPJPE', 'MRRPE', 'HandednessAcc'}
def __init__(self,
modes: List[str] = ['MPJPE', 'MRRPE', 'HandednessAcc'],
collect_device: str = 'cpu',
prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
super().__init__(collect_device=collect_device, prefix=prefix)
for mode in modes:
if mode not in self.METRICS:
raise ValueError("`mode` should be 'MPJPE', 'MRRPE', or "
f"'HandednessAcc', but got '{mode}'.")
self.modes = modes
[docs] def process(self, data_batch: Sequence[dict],
data_samples: Sequence[dict]) -> None:
"""Process one batch of data samples and predictions. The processed
results should be stored in ``self.results``, which will be used to
compute the metrics when all batches have been processed.
data_batch (Sequence[dict]): A batch of data
from the dataloader.
data_samples (Sequence[dict]): A batch of outputs from
the model.
for data_sample in data_samples:
# predicted keypoints coordinates, [1, K, D]
pred_coords = data_sample['pred_instances']['keypoints']
_, K, _ = pred_coords.shape
pred_coords_cam = pred_coords.copy()
# ground truth data_info
gt = data_sample['gt_instances']
# ground truth keypoints coordinates, [1, K, D]
gt_coords = gt['keypoints_cam']
keypoints_cam = gt_coords.copy()
# ground truth keypoints_visible, [1, K, 1]
mask = gt['keypoints_visible'].astype(bool).reshape(1, -1)
pred_hand_type = data_sample['pred_instances']['hand_type']
gt_hand_type = data_sample['hand_type']
if pred_hand_type is None and 'HandednessAcc' in self.modes:
raise KeyError('metric HandednessAcc is not supported')
pred_root_depth = data_sample['pred_instances']['rel_root_depth']
if pred_root_depth is None and 'MRRPE' in self.modes:
raise KeyError('metric MRRPE is not supported')
abs_depth = data_sample['abs_depth']
focal = data_sample['focal']
principal_pt = data_sample['principal_pt']
result = {}
if 'MPJPE' in self.modes:
keypoints_cam[..., :21, :] -= keypoints_cam[..., 20, :]
keypoints_cam[..., 21:, :] -= keypoints_cam[..., 41, :]
pred_coords_cam[..., :21, 2] += abs_depth[0]
pred_coords_cam[..., 21:, 2] += abs_depth[1]
pred_coords_cam = pixel_to_camera(pred_coords_cam, focal[0],
focal[1], principal_pt[0],
pred_coords_cam[..., :21, :] -= pred_coords_cam[..., 20, :]
pred_coords_cam[..., 21:, :] -= pred_coords_cam[..., 41, :]
if gt_hand_type.all():
single_mask = np.zeros((1, K), dtype=bool)
interacting_mask = mask
single_mask = mask
interacting_mask = np.zeros((1, K), dtype=bool)
result['pred_coords'] = pred_coords_cam
result['gt_coords'] = keypoints_cam
result['mask'] = mask
result['single_mask'] = single_mask
result['interacting_mask'] = interacting_mask
if 'HandednessAcc' in self.modes:
hand_type_mask = data_sample['hand_type_valid'] > 0
result['pred_hand_type'] = pred_hand_type
result['gt_hand_type'] = gt_hand_type
result['hand_type_mask'] = hand_type_mask
if 'MRRPE' in self.modes:
keypoints_visible = gt['keypoints_visible']
if gt_hand_type.all() and keypoints_visible[
..., 20] and keypoints_visible[..., 41]:
rel_root_mask = np.array([True])
pred_left_root_coords = np.array(
pred_coords[..., 41, :], dtype=np.float32)
2] += abs_depth[0] + pred_root_depth
pred_left_root_coords = pixel_to_camera(
pred_left_root_coords, focal[0], focal[1],
principal_pt[0], principal_pt[1])
pred_right_root_coords = np.array(
pred_coords[..., 20, :], dtype=np.float32)
pred_right_root_coords[..., 2] += abs_depth[0]
pred_right_root_coords = pixel_to_camera(
pred_right_root_coords, focal[0], focal[1],
principal_pt[0], principal_pt[1])
pred_rel_root_coords = pred_left_root_coords - \
pred_rel_root_coords = np.expand_dims(
pred_rel_root_coords, axis=0)
gt_rel_root_coords = gt_coords[...,
41, :] - gt_coords[...,
20, :]
gt_rel_root_coords = np.expand_dims(
gt_rel_root_coords, axis=0)
rel_root_mask = np.array([False])
pred_rel_root_coords = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
pred_rel_root_coords = pred_rel_root_coords.reshape(
1, 1, 3)
gt_rel_root_coords = np.array([[0, 0, 0]]).reshape(1, 1, 3)
result['pred_rel_root_coords'] = pred_rel_root_coords
result['gt_rel_root_coords'] = gt_rel_root_coords
result['rel_root_mask'] = rel_root_mask
[docs] def compute_metrics(self, results: list) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Compute the metrics from processed results.
results (list): The processed results of each batch.
Dict[str, float]: The computed metrics. The keys are the names of
the metrics, and the values are corresponding results.
logger: MMLogger = MMLogger.get_current_instance()
metrics = dict()'Evaluating {self.__class__.__name__}...')
if 'MPJPE' in self.modes:
# pred_coords: [N, K, D]
pred_coords = np.concatenate(
[result['pred_coords'] for result in results])
# gt_coords: [N, K, D]
gt_coords = np.concatenate(
[result['gt_coords'] for result in results])
# mask: [N, K]
mask = np.concatenate([result['mask'] for result in results])
single_mask = np.concatenate(
[result['single_mask'] for result in results])
interacting_mask = np.concatenate(
[result['interacting_mask'] for result in results])
metrics['MPJPE_all'] = keypoint_epe(pred_coords, gt_coords, mask)
metrics['MPJPE_single'] = keypoint_epe(pred_coords, gt_coords,
metrics['MPJPE_interacting'] = keypoint_epe(
pred_coords, gt_coords, interacting_mask)
if 'HandednessAcc' in self.modes:
pred_hand_type = np.concatenate(
[result['pred_hand_type'] for result in results])
gt_hand_type = np.concatenate(
[result['gt_hand_type'] for result in results])
hand_type_mask = np.concatenate(
[result['hand_type_mask'] for result in results])
acc = (pred_hand_type == gt_hand_type).all(axis=-1)
metrics['HandednessAcc'] = np.mean(acc[hand_type_mask])
if 'MRRPE' in self.modes:
pred_rel_root_coords = np.concatenate(
[result['pred_rel_root_coords'] for result in results])
gt_rel_root_coords = np.concatenate(
[result['gt_rel_root_coords'] for result in results])
rel_root_mask = np.array(
[result['rel_root_mask'] for result in results])
metrics['MRRPE'] = keypoint_epe(pred_rel_root_coords,
gt_rel_root_coords, rel_root_mask)
return metrics