
mmpose.apis.inference_3d 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmengine.dataset import Compose, pseudo_collate
from mmengine.registry import init_default_scope
from mmengine.structures import InstanceData

from mmpose.structures import PoseDataSample

[文档]def convert_keypoint_definition(keypoints, pose_det_dataset, pose_lift_dataset): """Convert pose det dataset keypoints definition to pose lifter dataset keypoints definition, so that they are compatible with the definitions required for 3D pose lifting. Args: keypoints (ndarray[N, K, 2 or 3]): 2D keypoints to be transformed. pose_det_dataset, (str): Name of the dataset for 2D pose detector. pose_lift_dataset (str): Name of the dataset for pose lifter model. Returns: ndarray[K, 2 or 3]: the transformed 2D keypoints. """ assert pose_lift_dataset in [ 'h36m', 'h3wb'], '`pose_lift_dataset` should be ' \ f'`h36m`, but got {pose_lift_dataset}.' keypoints_new = np.zeros((keypoints.shape[0], 17, keypoints.shape[2]), dtype=keypoints.dtype) if pose_lift_dataset in ['h36m', 'h3wb']: if pose_det_dataset in ['h36m', 'coco_wholebody']: keypoints_new = keypoints elif pose_det_dataset in ['coco', 'posetrack18']: # pelvis (root) is in the middle of l_hip and r_hip keypoints_new[:, 0] = (keypoints[:, 11] + keypoints[:, 12]) / 2 # thorax is in the middle of l_shoulder and r_shoulder keypoints_new[:, 8] = (keypoints[:, 5] + keypoints[:, 6]) / 2 # spine is in the middle of thorax and pelvis keypoints_new[:, 7] = (keypoints_new[:, 0] + keypoints_new[:, 8]) / 2 # in COCO, head is in the middle of l_eye and r_eye # in PoseTrack18, head is in the middle of head_bottom and head_top keypoints_new[:, 10] = (keypoints[:, 1] + keypoints[:, 2]) / 2 # rearrange other keypoints keypoints_new[:, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]] = \ keypoints[:, [12, 14, 16, 11, 13, 15, 0, 5, 7, 9, 6, 8, 10]] elif pose_det_dataset in ['aic']: # pelvis (root) is in the middle of l_hip and r_hip keypoints_new[:, 0] = (keypoints[:, 9] + keypoints[:, 6]) / 2 # thorax is in the middle of l_shoulder and r_shoulder keypoints_new[:, 8] = (keypoints[:, 3] + keypoints[:, 0]) / 2 # spine is in the middle of thorax and pelvis keypoints_new[:, 7] = (keypoints_new[:, 0] + keypoints_new[:, 8]) / 2 # neck base (top end of neck) is 1/4 the way from # neck (bottom end of neck) to head top keypoints_new[:, 9] = (3 * keypoints[:, 13] + keypoints[:, 12]) / 4 # head (spherical centre of head) is 7/12 the way from # neck (bottom end of neck) to head top keypoints_new[:, 10] = (5 * keypoints[:, 13] + 7 * keypoints[:, 12]) / 12 keypoints_new[:, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]] = \ keypoints[:, [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2]] elif pose_det_dataset in ['crowdpose']: # pelvis (root) is in the middle of l_hip and r_hip keypoints_new[:, 0] = (keypoints[:, 6] + keypoints[:, 7]) / 2 # thorax is in the middle of l_shoulder and r_shoulder keypoints_new[:, 8] = (keypoints[:, 0] + keypoints[:, 1]) / 2 # spine is in the middle of thorax and pelvis keypoints_new[:, 7] = (keypoints_new[:, 0] + keypoints_new[:, 8]) / 2 # neck base (top end of neck) is 1/4 the way from # neck (bottom end of neck) to head top keypoints_new[:, 9] = (3 * keypoints[:, 13] + keypoints[:, 12]) / 4 # head (spherical centre of head) is 7/12 the way from # neck (bottom end of neck) to head top keypoints_new[:, 10] = (5 * keypoints[:, 13] + 7 * keypoints[:, 12]) / 12 keypoints_new[:, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]] = \ keypoints[:, [7, 9, 11, 6, 8, 10, 0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5]] else: raise NotImplementedError( f'unsupported conversion between {pose_lift_dataset} and ' f'{pose_det_dataset}') return keypoints_new
[文档]def extract_pose_sequence(pose_results, frame_idx, causal, seq_len, step=1): """Extract the target frame from 2D pose results, and pad the sequence to a fixed length. Args: pose_results (List[List[:obj:`PoseDataSample`]]): Multi-frame pose detection results stored in a list. frame_idx (int): The index of the frame in the original video. causal (bool): If True, the target frame is the last frame in a sequence. Otherwise, the target frame is in the middle of a sequence. seq_len (int): The number of frames in the input sequence. step (int): Step size to extract frames from the video. Returns: List[List[:obj:`PoseDataSample`]]: Multi-frame pose detection results stored in a nested list with a length of seq_len. """ if causal: frames_left = seq_len - 1 frames_right = 0 else: frames_left = (seq_len - 1) // 2 frames_right = frames_left num_frames = len(pose_results) # get the padded sequence pad_left = max(0, frames_left - frame_idx // step) pad_right = max(0, frames_right - (num_frames - 1 - frame_idx) // step) start = max(frame_idx % step, frame_idx - frames_left * step) end = min(num_frames - (num_frames - 1 - frame_idx) % step, frame_idx + frames_right * step + 1) pose_results_seq = [pose_results[0]] * pad_left + \ pose_results[start:end:step] + [pose_results[-1]] * pad_right return pose_results_seq
[文档]def collate_pose_sequence(pose_results_2d, with_track_id=True, target_frame=-1): """Reorganize multi-frame pose detection results into individual pose sequences. Note: - The temporal length of the pose detection results: T - The number of the person instances: N - The number of the keypoints: K - The channel number of each keypoint: C Args: pose_results_2d (List[List[:obj:`PoseDataSample`]]): Multi-frame pose detection results stored in a nested list. Each element of the outer list is the pose detection results of a single frame, and each element of the inner list is the pose information of one person, which contains: - keypoints (ndarray[K, 2 or 3]): x, y, [score] - track_id (int): unique id of each person, required when ``with_track_id==True``` with_track_id (bool): If True, the element in pose_results is expected to contain "track_id", which will be used to gather the pose sequence of a person from multiple frames. Otherwise, the pose results in each frame are expected to have a consistent number and order of identities. Default is True. target_frame (int): The index of the target frame. Default: -1. Returns: List[:obj:`PoseDataSample`]: Indivisual pose sequence in with length N. """ T = len(pose_results_2d) assert T > 0 target_frame = (T + target_frame) % T # convert negative index to positive N = len( pose_results_2d[target_frame]) # use identities in the target frame if N == 0: return [] B, K, C = pose_results_2d[target_frame][0].pred_instances.keypoints.shape track_ids = None if with_track_id: track_ids = [res.track_id for res in pose_results_2d[target_frame]] pose_sequences = [] for idx in range(N): pose_seq = PoseDataSample() pred_instances = InstanceData() gt_instances = pose_results_2d[target_frame][idx].gt_instances.clone() pred_instances = pose_results_2d[target_frame][ idx].pred_instances.clone() pose_seq.pred_instances = pred_instances pose_seq.gt_instances = gt_instances if not with_track_id: pose_seq.pred_instances.keypoints = np.stack([ frame[idx].pred_instances.keypoints for frame in pose_results_2d ], axis=1) else: keypoints = np.zeros((B, T, K, C), dtype=np.float32) keypoints[:, target_frame] = pose_results_2d[target_frame][ idx].pred_instances.keypoints # find the left most frame containing track_ids[idx] for frame_idx in range(target_frame - 1, -1, -1): contains_idx = False for res in pose_results_2d[frame_idx]: if res.track_id == track_ids[idx]: keypoints[:, frame_idx] = res.pred_instances.keypoints contains_idx = True break if not contains_idx: # replicate the left most frame keypoints[:, :frame_idx + 1] = keypoints[:, frame_idx + 1] break # find the right most frame containing track_idx[idx] for frame_idx in range(target_frame + 1, T): contains_idx = False for res in pose_results_2d[frame_idx]: if res.track_id == track_ids[idx]: keypoints[:, frame_idx] = res.pred_instances.keypoints contains_idx = True break if not contains_idx: # replicate the right most frame keypoints[:, frame_idx + 1:] = keypoints[:, frame_idx] break pose_seq.pred_instances.set_field(keypoints, 'keypoints') pose_sequences.append(pose_seq) return pose_sequences
[文档]def inference_pose_lifter_model(model, pose_results_2d, with_track_id=True, image_size=None, norm_pose_2d=False): """Inference 3D pose from 2D pose sequences using a pose lifter model. Args: model (nn.Module): The loaded pose lifter model pose_results_2d (List[List[:obj:`PoseDataSample`]]): The 2D pose sequences stored in a nested list. with_track_id: If True, the element in pose_results_2d is expected to contain "track_id", which will be used to gather the pose sequence of a person from multiple frames. Otherwise, the pose results in each frame are expected to have a consistent number and order of identities. Default is True. image_size (tuple|list): image width, image height. If None, image size will not be contained in dict ``data``. norm_pose_2d (bool): If True, scale the bbox (along with the 2D pose) to the average bbox scale of the dataset, and move the bbox (along with the 2D pose) to the average bbox center of the dataset. Returns: List[:obj:`PoseDataSample`]: 3D pose inference results. Specifically, the predicted keypoints and scores are saved at ``data_sample.pred_instances.keypoints_3d``. """ init_default_scope(model.cfg.get('default_scope', 'mmpose')) pipeline = Compose(model.cfg.test_dataloader.dataset.pipeline) causal = model.cfg.test_dataloader.dataset.get('causal', False) target_idx = -1 if causal else len(pose_results_2d) // 2 dataset_info = model.dataset_meta if dataset_info is not None: if 'stats_info' in dataset_info: bbox_center = dataset_info['stats_info']['bbox_center'] bbox_scale = dataset_info['stats_info']['bbox_scale'] else: if norm_pose_2d: # compute the average bbox center and scale from the # datasamples in pose_results_2d bbox_center = np.zeros((1, 2), dtype=np.float32) bbox_scale = 0 num_bbox = 0 for pose_res in pose_results_2d: for data_sample in pose_res: for bbox in data_sample.pred_instances.bboxes: bbox_center += np.array([[(bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2, (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2] ]) bbox_scale += max(bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1]) num_bbox += 1 bbox_center /= num_bbox bbox_scale /= num_bbox else: bbox_center = None bbox_scale = None pose_results_2d_copy = [] for i, pose_res in enumerate(pose_results_2d): pose_res_copy = [] for j, data_sample in enumerate(pose_res): data_sample_copy = PoseDataSample() data_sample_copy.gt_instances = data_sample.gt_instances.clone() data_sample_copy.pred_instances = data_sample.pred_instances.clone( ) data_sample_copy.track_id = data_sample.track_id kpts = data_sample.pred_instances.keypoints bboxes = data_sample.pred_instances.bboxes keypoints = [] for k in range(len(kpts)): kpt = kpts[k] if norm_pose_2d: bbox = bboxes[k] center = np.array([[(bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2, (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2]]) scale = max(bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1]) keypoints.append((kpt[:, :2] - center) / scale * bbox_scale + bbox_center) else: keypoints.append(kpt[:, :2]) data_sample_copy.pred_instances.set_field( np.array(keypoints), 'keypoints') pose_res_copy.append(data_sample_copy) pose_results_2d_copy.append(pose_res_copy) pose_sequences_2d = collate_pose_sequence(pose_results_2d_copy, with_track_id, target_idx) if not pose_sequences_2d: return [] data_list = [] for i, pose_seq in enumerate(pose_sequences_2d): data_info = dict() keypoints_2d = pose_seq.pred_instances.keypoints keypoints_2d = np.squeeze( keypoints_2d, axis=0) if keypoints_2d.ndim == 4 else keypoints_2d T, K, C = keypoints_2d.shape data_info['keypoints'] = keypoints_2d data_info['keypoints_visible'] = np.ones(( T, K, ), dtype=np.float32) data_info['lifting_target'] = np.zeros((1, K, 3), dtype=np.float32) data_info['factor'] = np.zeros((T, ), dtype=np.float32) data_info['lifting_target_visible'] = np.ones((1, K, 1), dtype=np.float32) if image_size is not None: assert len(image_size) == 2 data_info['camera_param'] = dict(w=image_size[0], h=image_size[1]) data_info.update(model.dataset_meta) data_list.append(pipeline(data_info)) if data_list: # collate data list into a batch, which is a dict with following keys: # batch['inputs']: a list of input images # batch['data_samples']: a list of :obj:`PoseDataSample` batch = pseudo_collate(data_list) with torch.no_grad(): results = model.test_step(batch) else: results = [] return results