mmpose.apis.inferencers.pose2d_inferencer 源代码
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import mmcv
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmengine.config import Config, ConfigDict
from mmengine.infer.infer import ModelType
from mmengine.logging import print_log
from mmengine.model import revert_sync_batchnorm
from mmengine.registry import init_default_scope
from mmengine.structures import InstanceData
from mmpose.evaluation.functional import nearby_joints_nms, nms
from mmpose.registry import INFERENCERS
from mmpose.structures import merge_data_samples
from .base_mmpose_inferencer import BaseMMPoseInferencer
InstanceList = List[InstanceData]
InputType = Union[str, np.ndarray]
InputsType = Union[InputType, Sequence[InputType]]
PredType = Union[InstanceData, InstanceList]
ImgType = Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[np.ndarray]]
ConfigType = Union[Config, ConfigDict]
ResType = Union[Dict, List[Dict], InstanceData, List[InstanceData]]
class Pose2DInferencer(BaseMMPoseInferencer):
"""The inferencer for 2D pose estimation.
model (str, optional): Pretrained 2D pose estimation algorithm.
It's the path to the config file or the model name defined in
metafile. For example, it could be:
- model alias, e.g. ``'body'``,
- config name, e.g. ``'simcc_res50_8xb64-210e_coco-256x192'``,
- config path
Defaults to ``None``.
weights (str, optional): Path to the checkpoint. If it is not
specified and "model" is a model name of metafile, the weights
will be loaded from metafile. Defaults to None.
device (str, optional): Device to run inference. If None, the
available device will be automatically used. Defaults to None.
scope (str, optional): The scope of the model. Defaults to "mmpose".
det_model (str, optional): Config path or alias of detection model.
Defaults to None.
det_weights (str, optional): Path to the checkpoints of detection
model. Defaults to None.
det_cat_ids (int or list[int], optional): Category id for
detection model. Defaults to None.
preprocess_kwargs: set = {'bbox_thr', 'nms_thr', 'bboxes'}
forward_kwargs: set = {'merge_results', 'pose_based_nms'}
visualize_kwargs: set = {
postprocess_kwargs: set = {'pred_out_dir', 'return_datasample'}
def __init__(self,
model: Union[ModelType, str],
weights: Optional[str] = None,
device: Optional[str] = None,
scope: Optional[str] = 'mmpose',
det_model: Optional[Union[ModelType, str]] = None,
det_weights: Optional[str] = None,
det_cat_ids: Optional[Union[int, Tuple]] = None,
show_progress: bool = False) -> None:
self.model = revert_sync_batchnorm(self.model)
# assign dataset metainfo to self.visualizer
# initialize detector for top-down models
if self.cfg.data_mode == 'topdown':
self._video_input = False
[文档] def update_model_visualizer_settings(self,
draw_heatmap: bool = False,
skeleton_style: str = 'mmpose',
**kwargs) -> None:
"""Update the settings of models and visualizer according to inference
draw_heatmaps (bool, optional): Flag to visualize predicted
heatmaps. If not provided, it defaults to False.
skeleton_style (str, optional): Skeleton style selection. Valid
options are 'mmpose' and 'openpose'. Defaults to 'mmpose'.
self.model.test_cfg['output_heatmaps'] = draw_heatmap
if skeleton_style not in ['mmpose', 'openpose']:
raise ValueError('`skeleton_style` must be either \'mmpose\' '
'or \'openpose\'')
if skeleton_style == 'openpose':
[文档] def preprocess_single(self,
input: InputType,
index: int,
bbox_thr: float = 0.3,
nms_thr: float = 0.3,
bboxes: Union[List[List], List[np.ndarray],
np.ndarray] = []):
"""Process a single input into a model-feedable format.
input (InputType): Input given by user.
index (int): index of the input
bbox_thr (float): threshold for bounding box detection.
Defaults to 0.3.
nms_thr (float): IoU threshold for bounding box NMS.
Defaults to 0.3.
Any: Data processed by the ``pipeline`` and ``collate_fn``.
if isinstance(input, str):
data_info = dict(img_path=input)
data_info = dict(img=input, img_path=f'{index}.jpg'.rjust(10, '0'))
if self.cfg.data_mode == 'topdown':
bboxes = []
if self.detector is not None:
det_results = self.detector(
input, return_datasamples=True)['predictions']
except ValueError:
'Support for mmpose and mmdet versions up to 3.1.0 '
'will be discontinued in upcoming releases. To '
'ensure ongoing compatibility, please upgrade to '
'mmdet version 3.2.0 or later.',
det_results = self.detector(
input, return_datasample=True)['predictions']
pred_instance = det_results[0].pred_instances.cpu().numpy()
bboxes = np.concatenate(
(pred_instance.bboxes, pred_instance.scores[:, None]),
label_mask = np.zeros(len(bboxes), dtype=np.uint8)
for cat_id in self.det_cat_ids:
label_mask = np.logical_or(label_mask,
pred_instance.labels == cat_id)
bboxes = bboxes[np.logical_and(
label_mask, pred_instance.scores > bbox_thr)]
bboxes = bboxes[nms(bboxes, nms_thr)]
data_infos = []
if len(bboxes) > 0:
for bbox in bboxes:
inst = data_info.copy()
inst['bbox'] = bbox[None, :4]
inst['bbox_score'] = bbox[4:5]
inst = data_info.copy()
# get bbox from the image size
if isinstance(input, str):
input = mmcv.imread(input)
h, w = input.shape[:2]
inst['bbox'] = np.array([[0, 0, w, h]], dtype=np.float32)
inst['bbox_score'] = np.ones(1, dtype=np.float32)
else: # bottom-up
data_infos = [self.pipeline(data_info)]
return data_infos
[文档] @torch.no_grad()
def forward(self,
inputs: Union[dict, tuple],
merge_results: bool = True,
bbox_thr: float = -1,
pose_based_nms: bool = False):
"""Performs a forward pass through the model.
inputs (Union[dict, tuple]): The input data to be processed. Can
be either a dictionary or a tuple.
merge_results (bool, optional): Whether to merge data samples,
default to True. This is only applicable when the data_mode
is 'topdown'.
bbox_thr (float, optional): A threshold for the bounding box
scores. Bounding boxes with scores greater than this value
will be retained. Default value is -1 which retains all
bounding boxes.
A list of data samples with prediction instances.
data_samples = self.model.test_step(inputs)
if self.cfg.data_mode == 'topdown' and merge_results:
data_samples = [merge_data_samples(data_samples)]
if bbox_thr > 0:
for ds in data_samples:
if 'bbox_scores' in ds.pred_instances:
ds.pred_instances = ds.pred_instances[
ds.pred_instances.bbox_scores > bbox_thr]
if pose_based_nms:
for ds in data_samples:
if len(ds.pred_instances) == 0:
kpts = ds.pred_instances.keypoints
scores = ds.pred_instances.bbox_scores
num_keypoints = kpts.shape[-2]
kept_indices = nearby_joints_nms(
dict(keypoints=kpts[i], score=scores[i])
for i in range(len(kpts))
num_nearby_joints_thr=num_keypoints // 3,
ds.pred_instances = ds.pred_instances[kept_indices]
return data_samples