mmpose.codecs.video_pose_lifting 源代码
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from mmpose.registry import KEYPOINT_CODECS
from .base import BaseKeypointCodec
class VideoPoseLifting(BaseKeypointCodec):
r"""Generate keypoint coordinates for pose lifter.
- instance number: N
- keypoint number: K
- keypoint dimension: D
- pose-lifitng target dimension: C
num_keypoints (int): The number of keypoints in the dataset.
zero_center: Whether to zero-center the target around root. Default:
root_index (Union[int, List]): Root keypoint index in the pose.
Default: 0.
remove_root (bool): If true, remove the root keypoint from the pose.
Default: ``False``.
save_index (bool): If true, store the root position separated from the
original pose, only takes effect if ``remove_root`` is ``True``.
Default: ``False``.
reshape_keypoints (bool): If true, reshape the keypoints into shape
(-1, N). Default: ``True``.
concat_vis (bool): If true, concat the visibility item of keypoints.
Default: ``False``.
normalize_camera (bool): Whether to normalize camera intrinsics.
Default: ``False``.
auxiliary_encode_keys = {
'lifting_target', 'lifting_target_visible', 'camera_param'
instance_mapping_table = dict(
label_mapping_table = dict(
def __init__(self,
num_keypoints: int,
zero_center: bool = True,
root_index: Union[int, List] = 0,
remove_root: bool = False,
save_index: bool = False,
reshape_keypoints: bool = True,
concat_vis: bool = False,
normalize_camera: bool = False):
self.num_keypoints = num_keypoints
self.zero_center = zero_center
if isinstance(root_index, int):
root_index = [root_index]
self.root_index = root_index
self.remove_root = remove_root
self.save_index = save_index
self.reshape_keypoints = reshape_keypoints
self.concat_vis = concat_vis
self.normalize_camera = normalize_camera
[文档] def encode(self,
keypoints: np.ndarray,
keypoints_visible: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
lifting_target: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
lifting_target_visible: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
camera_param: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict:
"""Encoding keypoints from input image space to normalized space.
keypoints (np.ndarray): Keypoint coordinates in shape (N, K, D).
keypoints_visible (np.ndarray, optional): Keypoint visibilities in
shape (N, K).
lifting_target (np.ndarray, optional): 3d target coordinate in
shape (T, K, C).
lifting_target_visible (np.ndarray, optional): Target coordinate in
shape (T, K, ).
camera_param (dict, optional): The camera parameter dictionary.
encoded (dict): Contains the following items:
- keypoint_labels (np.ndarray): The processed keypoints in
shape like (N, K, D) or (K * D, N).
- keypoint_labels_visible (np.ndarray): The processed
keypoints' weights in shape (N, K, ) or (N-1, K, ).
- lifting_target_label: The processed target coordinate in
shape (K, C) or (K-1, C).
- lifting_target_weight (np.ndarray): The target weights in
shape (K, ) or (K-1, ).
- trajectory_weights (np.ndarray): The trajectory weights in
shape (K, ).
In addition, there are some optional items it may contain:
- target_root (np.ndarray): The root coordinate of target in
shape (C, ). Exists if ``zero_center`` is ``True``.
- target_root_removed (bool): Indicate whether the root of
pose-lifitng target is removed. Exists if
``remove_root`` is ``True``.
- target_root_index (int): An integer indicating the index of
root. Exists if ``remove_root`` and ``save_index``
are ``True``.
- camera_param (dict): The updated camera parameter dictionary.
Exists if ``normalize_camera`` is ``True``.
if keypoints_visible is None:
keypoints_visible = np.ones(keypoints.shape[:2], dtype=np.float32)
if lifting_target is None:
lifting_target = [keypoints[0]]
# set initial value for `lifting_target_weight`
# and `trajectory_weights`
if lifting_target_visible is None:
lifting_target_visible = np.ones(
lifting_target.shape[:-1], dtype=np.float32)
lifting_target_weight = lifting_target_visible
trajectory_weights = (1 / lifting_target[:, 2])
valid = lifting_target_visible > 0.5
lifting_target_weight = np.where(valid, 1., 0.).astype(np.float32)
trajectory_weights = lifting_target_weight
if camera_param is None:
camera_param = dict()
encoded = dict()
lifting_target_label = lifting_target.copy()
# Zero-center the target pose around a given root keypoint
if self.zero_center:
assert (lifting_target.ndim >= 2 and
lifting_target.shape[-2] > max(self.root_index)), \
f'Got invalid joint shape {lifting_target.shape}'
root = np.mean(lifting_target[..., self.root_index, :], axis=-2)
lifting_target_label -= root[..., np.newaxis, :]
encoded['target_root'] = root
if self.remove_root and len(self.root_index) == 1:
root_index = self.root_index[0]
lifting_target_label = np.delete(
lifting_target_label, root_index, axis=-2)
lifting_target_visible = np.delete(
lifting_target_visible, root_index, axis=-2)
assert lifting_target_weight.ndim in {
2, 3
}, (f'Got invalid lifting target weights shape '
axis_to_remove = -2 if lifting_target_weight.ndim == 3 else -1
lifting_target_weight = np.delete(
lifting_target_weight, root_index, axis=axis_to_remove)
# Add a flag to avoid latter transforms that rely on the root
# joint or the original joint index
encoded['target_root_removed'] = True
# Save the root index for restoring the global pose
if self.save_index:
encoded['target_root_index'] = root_index
# Normalize the 2D keypoint coordinate with image width and height
_camera_param = deepcopy(camera_param)
assert 'w' in _camera_param and 'h' in _camera_param, (
'Camera parameter `w` and `h` should be provided.')
center = np.array([0.5 * _camera_param['w'], 0.5 * _camera_param['h']],
scale = np.array(0.5 * _camera_param['w'], dtype=np.float32)
keypoint_labels = (keypoints - center) / scale
assert keypoint_labels.ndim in {
2, 3
}, (f'Got invalid keypoint labels shape {keypoint_labels.shape}')
if keypoint_labels.ndim == 2:
keypoint_labels = keypoint_labels[None, ...]
if self.normalize_camera:
assert 'f' in _camera_param and 'c' in _camera_param, (
'Camera parameter `f` and `c` should be provided.')
_camera_param['f'] = _camera_param['f'] / scale
_camera_param['c'] = (_camera_param['c'] - center[:, None]) / scale
encoded['camera_param'] = _camera_param
if self.concat_vis:
keypoints_visible_ = keypoints_visible
if keypoints_visible.ndim == 2:
keypoints_visible_ = keypoints_visible[..., None]
keypoint_labels = np.concatenate(
(keypoint_labels, keypoints_visible_), axis=2)
if self.reshape_keypoints:
N = keypoint_labels.shape[0]
keypoint_labels = keypoint_labels.transpose(1, 2, 0).reshape(-1, N)
encoded['keypoint_labels'] = keypoint_labels
encoded['keypoints_visible'] = keypoints_visible
encoded['lifting_target_label'] = lifting_target_label
encoded['lifting_target_weight'] = lifting_target_weight
encoded['trajectory_weights'] = trajectory_weights
return encoded
[文档] def decode(self,
encoded: np.ndarray,
target_root: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Decode keypoint coordinates from normalized space to input image
encoded (np.ndarray): Coordinates in shape (N, K, C).
target_root (np.ndarray, optional): The pose-lifitng target root
coordinate. Default: ``None``.
keypoints (np.ndarray): Decoded coordinates in shape (N, K, C).
scores (np.ndarray): The keypoint scores in shape (N, K).
keypoints = encoded.copy()
if target_root is not None and target_root.size > 0:
keypoints = keypoints + target_root
if self.remove_root and len(self.root_index) == 1:
keypoints = np.insert(
keypoints, self.root_index, target_root, axis=1)
scores = np.ones(keypoints.shape[:-1], dtype=np.float32)
return keypoints, scores