mmpose.datasets.datasets.base.base_coco_style_dataset 源代码
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
import os.path as osp
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain, filterfalse, groupby
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from mmengine.dataset import BaseDataset, force_full_init
from mmengine.fileio import exists, get_local_path, load
from mmengine.logging import MessageHub
from mmengine.utils import is_list_of
from xtcocotools.coco import COCO
from mmpose.registry import DATASETS
from mmpose.structures.bbox import bbox_xywh2xyxy
from ..utils import parse_pose_metainfo
class BaseCocoStyleDataset(BaseDataset):
"""Base class for COCO-style datasets.
ann_file (str): Annotation file path. Default: ''.
bbox_file (str, optional): Detection result file path. If
``bbox_file`` is set, detected bboxes loaded from this file will
be used instead of ground-truth bboxes. This setting is only for
evaluation, i.e., ignored when ``test_mode`` is ``False``.
Default: ``None``.
data_mode (str): Specifies the mode of data samples: ``'topdown'`` or
``'bottomup'``. In ``'topdown'`` mode, each data sample contains
one instance; while in ``'bottomup'`` mode, each data sample
contains all instances in a image. Default: ``'topdown'``
metainfo (dict, optional): Meta information for dataset, such as class
information. Default: ``None``.
data_root (str, optional): The root directory for ``data_prefix`` and
``ann_file``. Default: ``None``.
data_prefix (dict, optional): Prefix for training data.
Default: ``dict(img='')``.
filter_cfg (dict, optional): Config for filter data. Default: `None`.
indices (int or Sequence[int], optional): Support using first few
data in annotation file to facilitate training/testing on a smaller
dataset. Default: ``None`` which means using all ``data_infos``.
serialize_data (bool, optional): Whether to hold memory using
serialized objects, when enabled, data loader workers can use
shared RAM from master process instead of making a copy.
Default: ``True``.
pipeline (list, optional): Processing pipeline. Default: [].
test_mode (bool, optional): ``test_mode=True`` means in test phase.
Default: ``False``.
lazy_init (bool, optional): Whether to load annotation during
instantiation. In some cases, such as visualization, only the meta
information of the dataset is needed, which is not necessary to
load annotation file. ``Basedataset`` can skip load annotations to
save time by set ``lazy_init=False``. Default: ``False``.
max_refetch (int, optional): If ``Basedataset.prepare_data`` get a
None img. The maximum extra number of cycles to get a valid
image. Default: 1000.
sample_interval (int, optional): The sample interval of the dataset.
Default: 1.
METAINFO: dict = dict()
def __init__(self,
ann_file: str = '',
bbox_file: Optional[str] = None,
data_mode: str = 'topdown',
metainfo: Optional[dict] = None,
data_root: Optional[str] = None,
data_prefix: dict = dict(img=''),
filter_cfg: Optional[dict] = None,
indices: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None,
serialize_data: bool = True,
pipeline: List[Union[dict, Callable]] = [],
test_mode: bool = False,
lazy_init: bool = False,
max_refetch: int = 1000,
sample_interval: int = 1):
if data_mode not in {'topdown', 'bottomup'}:
raise ValueError(
f'{self.__class__.__name__} got invalid data_mode: '
f'{data_mode}. Should be "topdown" or "bottomup".')
self.data_mode = data_mode
if bbox_file:
if self.data_mode != 'topdown':
raise ValueError(
f'{self.__class__.__name__} is set to {self.data_mode}: '
'mode, while "bbox_file" is only '
'supported in topdown mode.')
if not test_mode:
raise ValueError(
f'{self.__class__.__name__} has `test_mode==False` '
'while "bbox_file" is only '
'supported when `test_mode==True`.')
self.bbox_file = bbox_file
self.sample_interval = sample_interval
if self.test_mode:
# save the ann_file into MessageHub for CocoMetric
message = MessageHub.get_current_instance()
dataset_name = self.metainfo['dataset_name']
{f'{dataset_name}_ann_file': self.ann_file})
def _load_metainfo(cls, metainfo: dict = None) -> dict:
"""Collect meta information from the dictionary of meta.
metainfo (dict): Raw data of pose meta information.
dict: Parsed meta information.
if metainfo is None:
metainfo = deepcopy(cls.METAINFO)
if not isinstance(metainfo, dict):
raise TypeError(
f'metainfo should be a dict, but got {type(metainfo)}')
# parse pose metainfo if it has been assigned
if metainfo:
metainfo = parse_pose_metainfo(metainfo)
return metainfo
[文档] @force_full_init
def prepare_data(self, idx) -> Any:
"""Get data processed by ``self.pipeline``.
:class:`BaseCocoStyleDataset` overrides this method from
:class:`mmengine.dataset.BaseDataset` to add the metainfo into
the ``data_info`` before it is passed to the pipeline.
idx (int): The index of ``data_info``.
Any: Depends on ``self.pipeline``.
data_info = self.get_data_info(idx)
# Mixed image transformations require multiple source images for
# effective blending. Therefore, we assign the 'dataset' field in
# `data_info` to provide these auxiliary images.
# Note: The 'dataset' assignment should not occur within the
# `get_data_info` function, as doing so may cause the mixed image
# transformations to stall or hang.
data_info['dataset'] = self
return self.pipeline(data_info)
[文档] def get_data_info(self, idx: int) -> dict:
"""Get data info by index.
idx (int): Index of data info.
dict: Data info.
data_info = super().get_data_info(idx)
# Add metainfo items that are required in the pipeline and the model
metainfo_keys = [
'dataset_name', 'upper_body_ids', 'lower_body_ids', 'flip_pairs',
'dataset_keypoint_weights', 'flip_indices', 'skeleton_links'
for key in metainfo_keys:
assert key not in data_info, (
f'"{key}" is a reserved key for `metainfo`, but already '
'exists in the `data_info`.')
data_info[key] = deepcopy(self._metainfo[key])
return data_info
[文档] def load_data_list(self) -> List[dict]:
"""Load data list from COCO annotation file or person detection result
if self.bbox_file:
data_list = self._load_detection_results()
instance_list, image_list = self._load_annotations()
if self.data_mode == 'topdown':
data_list = self._get_topdown_data_infos(instance_list)
data_list = self._get_bottomup_data_infos(
instance_list, image_list)
if hasattr(self, 'coco'):
del self.coco
return data_list
def _load_annotations(self) -> Tuple[List[dict], List[dict]]:
"""Load data from annotations in COCO format."""
assert exists(self.ann_file), (
f'Annotation file `{self.ann_file}`does not exist')
with get_local_path(self.ann_file) as local_path:
self.coco = COCO(local_path)
# set the metainfo about categories, which is a list of dict
# and each dict contains the 'id', 'name', etc. about this category
if 'categories' in self.coco.dataset:
self._metainfo['CLASSES'] = self.coco.loadCats(
instance_list = []
image_list = []
for img_id in self.coco.getImgIds():
if img_id % self.sample_interval != 0:
img = self.coco.loadImgs(img_id)[0]
osp.join(self.data_prefix['img'], img['file_name']),
ann_ids = self.coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=img_id)
for ann in self.coco.loadAnns(ann_ids):
instance_info = self.parse_data_info(
dict(raw_ann_info=ann, raw_img_info=img))
# skip invalid instance annotation.
if not instance_info:
return instance_list, image_list
[文档] def parse_data_info(self, raw_data_info: dict) -> Optional[dict]:
"""Parse raw COCO annotation of an instance.
raw_data_info (dict): Raw data information loaded from
``ann_file``. It should have following contents:
- ``'raw_ann_info'``: Raw annotation of an instance
- ``'raw_img_info'``: Raw information of the image that
contains the instance
dict | None: Parsed instance annotation
ann = raw_data_info['raw_ann_info']
img = raw_data_info['raw_img_info']
# filter invalid instance
if 'bbox' not in ann or 'keypoints' not in ann:
return None
img_w, img_h = img['width'], img['height']
# get bbox in shape [1, 4], formatted as xywh
x, y, w, h = ann['bbox']
x1 = np.clip(x, 0, img_w - 1)
y1 = np.clip(y, 0, img_h - 1)
x2 = np.clip(x + w, 0, img_w - 1)
y2 = np.clip(y + h, 0, img_h - 1)
bbox = np.array([x1, y1, x2, y2], dtype=np.float32).reshape(1, 4)
# keypoints in shape [1, K, 2] and keypoints_visible in [1, K]
_keypoints = np.array(
ann['keypoints'], dtype=np.float32).reshape(1, -1, 3)
keypoints = _keypoints[..., :2]
keypoints_visible = np.minimum(1, _keypoints[..., 2])
if 'num_keypoints' in ann:
num_keypoints = ann['num_keypoints']
num_keypoints = np.count_nonzero(keypoints.max(axis=2))
if 'area' in ann:
area = np.array(ann['area'], dtype=np.float32)
area = np.clip((x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) * 0.53, a_min=1.0, a_max=None)
area = np.array(area, dtype=np.float32)
data_info = {
'img_id': ann['image_id'],
'img_path': img['img_path'],
'bbox': bbox,
'bbox_score': np.ones(1, dtype=np.float32),
'num_keypoints': num_keypoints,
'keypoints': keypoints,
'keypoints_visible': keypoints_visible,
'area': area,
'iscrowd': ann.get('iscrowd', 0),
'segmentation': ann.get('segmentation', None),
'id': ann['id'],
'category_id': np.array(ann['category_id']),
# store the raw annotation of the instance
# it is useful for evaluation without providing ann_file
'raw_ann_info': copy.deepcopy(ann),
if 'crowdIndex' in img:
data_info['crowd_index'] = img['crowdIndex']
return data_info
def _is_valid_instance(data_info: Dict) -> bool:
"""Check a data info is an instance with valid bbox and keypoint
# crowd annotation
if 'iscrowd' in data_info and data_info['iscrowd']:
return False
# invalid keypoints
if 'num_keypoints' in data_info and data_info['num_keypoints'] == 0:
return False
# invalid bbox
if 'bbox' in data_info:
bbox = data_info['bbox'][0]
w, h = bbox[2:4] - bbox[:2]
if w <= 0 or h <= 0:
return False
# invalid keypoints
if 'keypoints' in data_info:
if np.max(data_info['keypoints']) <= 0:
return False
return True
def _get_topdown_data_infos(self, instance_list: List[Dict]) -> List[Dict]:
"""Organize the data list in top-down mode."""
# sanitize data samples
data_list_tp = list(filter(self._is_valid_instance, instance_list))
return data_list_tp
def _get_bottomup_data_infos(self, instance_list: List[Dict],
image_list: List[Dict]) -> List[Dict]:
"""Organize the data list in bottom-up mode."""
# bottom-up data list
data_list_bu = []
used_img_ids = set()
# group instances by img_id
for img_id, data_infos in groupby(instance_list,
lambda x: x['img_id']):
data_infos = list(data_infos)
# image data
img_path = data_infos[0]['img_path']
data_info_bu = {
'img_id': img_id,
'img_path': img_path,
for key in data_infos[0].keys():
if key not in data_info_bu:
seq = [d[key] for d in data_infos]
if isinstance(seq[0], np.ndarray):
if seq[0].ndim > 0:
seq = np.concatenate(seq, axis=0)
seq = np.stack(seq, axis=0)
elif isinstance(seq[0], (tuple, list)):
seq = list(chain.from_iterable(seq))
data_info_bu[key] = seq
# The segmentation annotation of invalid objects will be used
# to generate valid region mask in the pipeline.
invalid_segs = []
for data_info_invalid in filterfalse(self._is_valid_instance,
if 'segmentation' in data_info_invalid:
data_info_bu['invalid_segs'] = invalid_segs
# add images without instance for evaluation
if self.test_mode:
for img_info in image_list:
if img_info['img_id'] not in used_img_ids:
data_info_bu = {
'img_id': img_info['img_id'],
'img_path': img_info['img_path'],
'id': list(),
'raw_ann_info': None,
return data_list_bu
def _load_detection_results(self) -> List[dict]:
"""Load data from detection results with dummy keypoint annotations."""
assert exists(self.ann_file), (
f'Annotation file `{self.ann_file}` does not exist')
assert exists(
self.bbox_file), (f'Bbox file `{self.bbox_file}` does not exist')
# load detection results
det_results = load(self.bbox_file)
assert is_list_of(
dict), (f'BBox file `{self.bbox_file}` should be a list of dict, '
f'but got {type(det_results)}')
# load coco annotations to build image id-to-name index
with get_local_path(self.ann_file) as local_path:
self.coco = COCO(local_path)
# set the metainfo about categories, which is a list of dict
# and each dict contains the 'id', 'name', etc. about this category
self._metainfo['CLASSES'] = self.coco.loadCats(self.coco.getCatIds())
num_keypoints = self.metainfo['num_keypoints']
data_list = []
id_ = 0
for det in det_results:
# remove non-human instances
if det['category_id'] != 1:
img = self.coco.loadImgs(det['image_id'])[0]
img_path = osp.join(self.data_prefix['img'], img['file_name'])
bbox_xywh = np.array(
det['bbox'][:4], dtype=np.float32).reshape(1, 4)
bbox = bbox_xywh2xyxy(bbox_xywh)
bbox_score = np.array(det['score'], dtype=np.float32).reshape(1)
# use dummy keypoint location and visibility
keypoints = np.zeros((1, num_keypoints, 2), dtype=np.float32)
keypoints_visible = np.ones((1, num_keypoints), dtype=np.float32)
'img_id': det['image_id'],
'img_path': img_path,
'img_shape': (img['height'], img['width']),
'bbox': bbox,
'bbox_score': bbox_score,
'keypoints': keypoints,
'keypoints_visible': keypoints_visible,
'id': id_,
id_ += 1
return data_list
[文档] def filter_data(self) -> List[dict]:
"""Filter annotations according to filter_cfg. Defaults return full
If 'bbox_score_thr` in filter_cfg, the annotation with bbox_score below
the threshold `bbox_score_thr` will be filtered out.
data_list = self.data_list
if self.filter_cfg is None:
return data_list
# filter out annotations with a bbox_score below the threshold
if 'bbox_score_thr' in self.filter_cfg:
if self.data_mode != 'topdown':
raise ValueError(
f'{self.__class__.__name__} is set to {self.data_mode} '
'mode, while "bbox_score_thr" is only supported in '
'topdown mode.')
thr = self.filter_cfg['bbox_score_thr']
data_list = list(
filterfalse(lambda ann: ann['bbox_score'] < thr, data_list))
return data_list