
Fashion 2D Keypoint

Deepfashion Dataset

Topdown Heatmap + Resnet on Deepfashion

SimpleBaseline2D (ECCV'2018)
  title={Simple baselines for human pose estimation and tracking},
  author={Xiao, Bin and Wu, Haiping and Wei, Yichen},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV)},
ResNet (CVPR'2016)
  title={Deep residual learning for image recognition},
  author={He, Kaiming and Zhang, Xiangyu and Ren, Shaoqing and Sun, Jian},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},
DeepFashion (CVPR'2016)
 author = {Liu, Ziwei and Luo, Ping and Qiu, Shi and Wang, Xiaogang and Tang, Xiaoou},
 title = {DeepFashion: Powering Robust Clothes Recognition and Retrieval with Rich Annotations},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
 month = {June},
 year = {2016}
DeepFashion (ECCV'2016)
 author = {Liu, Ziwei and Yan, Sijie and Luo, Ping and Wang, Xiaogang and Tang, Xiaoou},
 title = {Fashion Landmark Detection in the Wild},
 booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
 month = {October},
 year = {2016}

Results on DeepFashion val set

Set Arch Input Size PCK@0.2 AUC EPE ckpt log
upper pose_resnet_50 256x192 95.4 57.8 16.8 ckpt log
lower pose_resnet_50 256x192 96.5 74.4 10.5 ckpt log
full pose_resnet_50 256x192 97.7 66.4 12.7 ckpt log

Note: Due to the time constraints, we have only trained resnet50 models. We warmly welcome any contributions if you can successfully reproduce the results from the paper!

Topdown Heatmap + Hrnet on Deepfashion

HRNet (CVPR'2019)
  title={Deep high-resolution representation learning for human pose estimation},
  author={Sun, Ke and Xiao, Bin and Liu, Dong and Wang, Jingdong},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},
UDP (CVPR'2020)
  author = {Huang, Junjie and Zhu, Zheng and Guo, Feng and Huang, Guan},
  title = {The Devil Is in the Details: Delving Into Unbiased Data Processing for Human Pose Estimation},
  booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  month = {June},
  year = {2020}
DeepFashion (CVPR'2016)
 author = {Liu, Ziwei and Luo, Ping and Qiu, Shi and Wang, Xiaogang and Tang, Xiaoou},
 title = {DeepFashion: Powering Robust Clothes Recognition and Retrieval with Rich Annotations},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
 month = {June},
 year = {2016}
DeepFashion (ECCV'2016)
 author = {Liu, Ziwei and Yan, Sijie and Luo, Ping and Wang, Xiaogang and Tang, Xiaoou},
 title = {Fashion Landmark Detection in the Wild},
 booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
 month = {October},
 year = {2016}

Results on DeepFashion val set

Set Arch Input Size PCK@0.2 AUC EPE ckpt log
upper pose_hrnet_w48_udp 256x192 96.1 60.9 15.1 ckpt log
lower pose_hrnet_w48_udp 256x192 97.8 76.1 8.9 ckpt log
full pose_hrnet_w48_udp 256x192 98.3 67.3 11.7 ckpt log

Note: Due to the time constraints, we have only trained resnet50 models. We warmly welcome any contributions if you can successfully reproduce the results from the paper!

Deepfashion2 Dataset

Topdown Heatmap + Res50 on Deepfashion2

SimpleBaseline2D (ECCV'2018)
  title={Simple baselines for human pose estimation and tracking},
  author={Xiao, Bin and Wu, Haiping and Wei, Yichen},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV)},
ResNet (CVPR'2016)
  title={Deep residual learning for image recognition},
  author={He, Kaiming and Zhang, Xiangyu and Ren, Shaoqing and Sun, Jian},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},
DeepFashion2 (CVPR'2019)
  author = {Yuying Ge and Ruimao Zhang and Lingyun Wu and Xiaogang Wang and Xiaoou Tang and Ping Luo},
  title={A Versatile Benchmark for Detection, Pose Estimation, Segmentation and Re-Identification of Clothing Images},

Results on DeepFashion2 val set

Set Arch Input Size PCK@0.2 AUC EPE ckpt log
short_sleeved_shirt pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.988 0.703 10.2 ckpt log
long_sleeved_shirt pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.973 0.587 16.6 ckpt log
short_sleeved_outwear pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.966 0.408 24.0 ckpt log
long_sleeved_outwear pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.987 0.517 18.1 ckpt log
vest pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.981 0.643 12.7 ckpt log
sling pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.940 0.557 21.6 ckpt log
shorts pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.975 0.682 12.4 ckpt log
trousers pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.973 0.625 14.8 ckpt log
skirt pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.952 0.653 16.6 ckpt log
short_sleeved_dress pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.980 0.603 15.6 ckpt log
long_sleeved_dress pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.976 0.518 20.1 ckpt log
vest_dress pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.980 0.600 16.0 ckpt log
sling_dress pose_resnet_50 256x192 0.967 0.544 19.5 ckpt log